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Ms financial engineering

I would like to inquire about master's degree programs in Financial Engineering at New York University, Columbia University, and Baruch College. I'm interested in understanding which program has the strongest academic reputation and offers excellent professional career prospects. Additionally, I'd appreciate information on the total cost, including tuition, fees, and living expenses, for each university.
Thank you in advance
I would like to inquire about master's degree programs in Financial Engineering at New York University, Columbia University, and Baruch College. I'm interested in understanding which program has the strongest academic reputation and offers excellent professional career prospects. Additionally, I'd appreciate information on the total cost, including tuition, fees, and living expenses, for each university.
Thank you in advance
I guess we need to expand the range of information and cover all programs so people can get what they need. These are very basic info.
The only thing OP can't find on the rankings is living expenses, which isn't what the rankings are meant to provide. This info is really easy to get a feel for elsewhere, I don't think the ranking's information offerings are to blame for OP's lack of knowledge in this area.