MSMF at BU, Is it worth the price tag?

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MSMF at BU or IIT Chicago MMF

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I'll appreciate help from anyone who has done the MSMF from BU or is contemplating doing it or even knows a bit about the program. (I guess I've covered everyone now:)

I've just been offered admission to MSMF at Boston Uni and am wondering if the price tag is worth it considering that the placements and internships sought would most likely be through personal effort. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). I've heard that the career service is not up to scratch and that most of the internships through BU are unpaid. Also, their site lists some employers, however, you don't see the big names hiring there. Having said that, how is the curriculum rated with respect to other MFE programs?

I also have an offer from IIT Chicago MMF. How does this program compare to MSMF at BU? I know Joy Pathak joined IIT before moving to Baruch. Will appreciate if he could throw some light on it with others.

During your research, have you ever contacted the programs directly and ask about their placement stats and the career resources they have in place?
If not, why not? If yes, what did they say?
I would give each program a chance to make their case to you, instead of relying on hearsay. They may not care because they have dozen other applicants to take your place but they should response to each and everyone of your queries.
Search for Boston MSMF should come up with a few recent discussions
I agree with you on letting each program make their case, however, one's got to take into account that a lot what's presented can't be taken as gospel. I've spoken to a couple of people at BU and have been told by one that detailed stats aren't available as the program is now housed in the business school, while the other person told me to get in touch with existing students to have any questions on placements and internships answered. I'm in the process of doing that and will share my finding when I've spoken to a few current students.

As with my post, my intention was to draw a reponse from current BU MSMF students and those contemplating going there in Fall 2011 so that anything not mentioned in threads concerning BU MSMF could be shared with those looking at this program as an option. I've gone through all the threads here and other forums and have only see one review of the program here.

My next call out is to FBI for some info :)
I believe that the Bu program has undergone quite a bit of change over the last 2 years, which includes the curriculum. The bu location is a plus even though its not nyc or chicago but still better than a lot of other mfe programs.

If you're willing to network and do the leg work to find yourself an internship and placement, the education is good enough to prepare you for the industry. My 0.02 cents
@ilanitsh @NingCheng are current student there
The move to business school in theory should be a plus. For one, the program will benefit from better marketing which leads to more visibility among prospective students and employers. In fact, the program has a great jump in number of applicants since moving from the Math dept.
But marketing can only do so much. Students will always be at disadvantages to students of NYC-based programs for NYC positions. Instead, they can and should focus on Boston-based positions. There are tons of jobs there.
One of our members, Doug moved there from NYC

We can only wait to see how the change of to business school would affect the program. I hope that they will be more transparent and post more comprehensive placement data online.
Thanks Andy, that's quite helpful. I'll get in touch with @ilanitsh and @NingCheng along with the ones that BU puts me in touch with and post my research here.

Have you by any chance got any more reviews of the BU MSMF in the pipeline?
Got an admit to BU but haven't made up my mind yet as i'm waiting on a couple of others. Spoke to a couple of alumni and they are well placed in chicago and boston. These guys graduated 4 years ago and both feel the program has changed for the better. I guess they're addressing things that previous students though the program lacked.

Let us know when you speak with some surrent students.
I am from India.

I am currently doing Software Engineering and in my 3rd year of study.
My grades really suck. what all can i really do (as in projects etc) now for improving my chances of ending up in a better grad school for MFE.
