Need suggestions for fulfilling pre-requisites for MFE programs

EDIT: I realised that my post is too long, so cutting down all the excess stuff. Kindly respond if you can give any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.

Hi All,
I will be applying for MFE programs for fall 2024.

I think I am lacking in some pre-requisites for few programs and have bad grades in the maths courses and I would like to fulfil them before application cycle begins in December.

Relevant coursework with grades:
a. Real Analysis, calculus -> C (I fear this particular grade is going to come bite me)
b. Linear Algebra, ODE -> B-
c. Complex Analysis, PDE -> B+

I have 4 years work ex building tech for brokerage applications

Maths which I have studied on my own after graduation, but do not have certification to show for it includes -
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Analytic Geometry, ODE, PDE, Abstract Algebra, Real/Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Dynamics

Now, coming to the pre-requisites:

I fear that I lack the pre-requisites required by the mfe programs, especially in maths department.
I do not have any course on calculus based probability. And also my grades are not up to the mark in real analysis. I would like to remediate that.
Please suggest a course of action for that. I queried regarding this and found some options which includes -
1. Baruch mfin prep - this however is no longer taking applicants
2. datasim maths courses
3. netmath
4. edx+mit courses
5. Quantnet c++ course - since I did not had any explicit c++ course in my college

If I do the courses from any of the above sources, will they be sufficient to cover the pre-requisites? Which one of them would you suggest?
I would like to take a certification for the course in which I got a C grade to improve my chances too. Should I do this, will the admission committee will take note of this?
Also, I am planning to take gre maths subject test. Will that help me with the pre-requisites? Will it make my profile stronger given that I get > 75%ile?

I am sorry for the long post.

Thanks for your time and any suggestions which you could give me. Looking forward.

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Hi satyam. Can only comment on items 1 and 5. I took the ACFE and Probability Pre-MFEs last cycle (Fall/Spring) and the QuantNet C++ course. These fulfilled the relevant pre-requisites for Baruch's program (can't speak on others) and prepped me for the QBA. Interview specific prep (Dan Stefanica's 150 / Green Book) was still necessary prior to the interview. I had been out of college for 5 years at the time -- so similar timeframe to you.

I think the reason the Pre-MFEs are showing that they aren't taking applicants is because the classes from the last cycle are the ones up on the website. Keep an eye out for the info session for the next round which would start up this fall -- typically Dan Stefanica posts about it on QuantNet.

If your prospective programs would allow the Pre-MFEs to fulfill their pre-reqs, then I'd highly recommend them. Quality content + the professors can write letters of recommendation. Not sure if you still have professors from undergrad you can reach out to, but for me this was a major bonus.

As far as a tier list for course recommendations I'd go with the following:
* C++ (if required by your program) > Probability/Stats > Calculus > Linear Alegebra (I found this to be the easiest to self-study)

I've left a detailed review of the first QN C++ course that I'm sure you can find -- in short, I'd highly recommend it if your program requires it as a pre-req.
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