New 'kid' on the block

Chris Matei

A QuantDev
Hi everybody,
I have been reading the postings on the site for a while and I look forward to put my two cents in. My background is in CS and Math, working for a number of years in equities and derivatives, and currently preparing to get into a MSFE program.
Hi Cristian
Glad you finally decide to post. We have lot of readers and if everyone decides to break the lurker's code, Quantnet will be a great place to visit :D

What do you do in equity and derivatives ? and why you decide to do mfe now ?
Hi everybody,
I have been reading the postings on the site for a while and I look forward to put my two cents in. My background is in CS and Math, working for a number of years in equities and derivatives, and currently preparing to get into a MSFE program.

Hi, Cristian:

I hope the posts in this forum are helpful to you, no matter they are about application, finance, sports or other fun stuff. I am looking forwards to reading your posts in this community in the future. Since you already have work experience in the industry, I would like to listen to your opinions on various finance topics in finance forum. Exchanging opinions is great fun, isnt it? :)

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
My work experience is in IT, with some occasional interactions with quants and traders. I have contemplated the idea of getting into a FE program, but didn't do more than just read some books and articles,too busy writing code.
Past year and a half, since I joined the equity derivatives group at BofA, I realized the need to know more, a lot more, about risk mgmt and pricing models, and this is how I decided to get back to school.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
My work experience is in IT, with some occasional interactions with quants and traders. I have contemplated the idea of getting into a FE program, but didn't do more than just read some books and articles,too busy writing code.
Past year and a half, since I joined the equity derivatives group at BofA, I realized the need to know more, a lot more, about risk mgmt and pricing models, and this is how I decided to get back to school.

Does BoA have quant positions in Charlotte? I really want to get back to the South East! I grew up less than 2 hrs from Charlotte.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
My work experience is in IT, with some occasional interactions with quants and traders. I have contemplated the idea of getting into a FE program, but didn't do more than just read some books and articles,too busy writing code.
Past year and a half, since I joined the equity derivatives group at BofA, I realized the need to know more, a lot more, about risk mgmt and pricing models, and this is how I decided to get back to school.

From what you said, getting into an FE program is definitely a way to go! Best of luck :)
CS and Math is one of the best mixes (if not the best) for FE.
Does BoA have quant positions in Charlotte? I really want to get back to the South East! I grew up less than 2 hrs from Charlotte.

Charlotte is a very busy city :) BoA must have something there. In fact, I myself will be looking into that next year or so. Check BoA's website for career opportunities. At least, you'll get an idea what they are looking for.
BofA has quants, or related, in Charlotte. I will check their internal career site and let you guys know
Yesterday I found out that even TIAA-CREF -- a pension fund -- has quants. Looks like every reputable finance company has quants :)
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