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New Mark-to-Market Rules - Clusterstock version

I assume the lightning cooked the cows to a nice medium to medium-rare, so how about selling steaks?
Nope, you can't sell the meat just yet........... now that the Fed is involved you need to call on the rest of the government for input and advice.

Make way for the FDA to test the meat and certify it is edible, then Congress has to vote whether the butchers can earn above the minimum wage when other Americans are unemployed. Barney Frank has to call a hearing as to what price you can sell the steaks, market prices are set by greedy capitalists and someone could be making an illegal profit. Finally, as this meat was somewhat burned on the outside it will never pass the White House "smell test"...
..Finally, as this meat was somewhat burned on the outside it will never pass the White House "smell test"...

That's when you can bring in a firm like Moodys to certify the quality of the meat.

By the way, I love the Barney Frank comment!
Don't worry, though, when things really start to go south, the Fed will just make more cows.