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  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Not profile evaluation; just career guidance


This is me:

Computer Engineer/ India/ 1 year exp. S/w Test Programming in Software services company

Great programmer and good at math

MBA/ India/ 2 years exp. Qualitative Financial Analysis in Financial Services Company (with gud pay by Indian standards)

Age 28

Interested in getting into Sales & Trading/ Hedge Funds in US/ UK - do not want to be just some programmer in the back office in a hedge fund though

Motivation: Want to make money in $

Should I go for a US masters at all (course starting in 2011) (meaning of course another student loan)?

If yes would u advise MFE (1 year) or MBA (2 years) or anything at all?

feel free to say whtevr comes to mind...incl that I'm a greedy hog :)
You are a greedy hog. Why not enjoy your above standard life in India, buy a Tata Nano, get a wife, have a child? ;)
On a more serious note, you don't want to do another MBA if you already have one. MFE takes 1.5-2 years for most programs. And it takes a few years to pay off your loan.
What exactly do you want to do? Programmers are paid very well here.
What exactly do you want to do? Programmers are paid very well here.

Well....I thought since I will be working for the rest of my life.......(that sounds pretty saaaaaaad......even to me :( ......... I should go back to school and also make sure it counts big time in terms of $$$$$$

but seriously.....< deep self introspection in process. this might take several days to throw a result>