Abdel: Interpretation? Is the U.S constitution written in chinese?
Abdel: Knowing these facts, you still don't want to follow the constitution?
That's interesting. First you talk about how it's as simple as following or not following the Constitution. Now you say it isn't perfect.
Look at my reply post to BBW (post #83) where I said: ''
The US constitution is not a perfect document. But it is by far the most important document in human history in my opinion.''
and my reply post to you (post #88) : ''
Sure, you can bring up some small technicalities here and there, but I'm talking about the big picture (the foundations of the house) and how since the US drifted away from those basic principales of small governement, no income tax and low regulations braught the coming economic armageddon.''
As you can see, I've been talking about the big picture. What I meant by ''interpretation'' was regarding those founding principales.
Honestly, I think the Constitution allowed us to have a successful economy- however, it wasn't the only factor.
There is a difference between a successful economy and the wealthiest nation in human history. IMO the Constitution is THE main factor that allowed that success to happen. If you don't have the right environement, you can try to apply a free market economy in pieces (as in most countries) but it will end up in a mess.
Per capita income, even when taking inflation into consideration, is actually as good as it has ever been. I dont understand the 100 years up 100 years down argument.
Well, back in the days, a man could have a job, a house, a wife and plenty kids. His wife didn't had to work, his kids went to school and he even was able to save money.
Fast forward to today where a couple cain't make ends meet. They have alot fewer kids, they cain't afford to send them to college and there is no money left for savings and they rely on a governement ponzi scheme for retirement.
How is that progress?
And don't get me started with the phony CPI that doesn't include food & energy. Where they use hedonics, substitution and weighting to hide the real rate of inflation.
Some point out how price fixing and other things are results of the gov't becoming too involved in business. What about child labor? Scams?
Why there was no protest of child labor back in the 1300's etc? Because it was a fact of life. Then, humans implemented a somewhat free market economy that generated enough wealth that allowed kids to stay at home and go to school.
For the scams, I refer you to my reply post to Anthony - post #85
Do you remember how we got into this financial mess in the first place? Predatory lending? Not taking insurance out on risky loans? The failure of the US regulatory agencies to do their job? Lack of regulation is what caused this. Bush and McCain themselves warned us. People with money can be corrupt and blinded by the almighty dollar. Human nature won't allow us to effectively police ourselves.
Yup, I remember how we got into this financial mess
Step 1: The FED artificially lowered interest rates to 1% that in turn allowed the teaser rates. People who normally couldn't afford a mortgage now were able to have one = starting of the housing bubble = 1st GOVERNEMENT INTERVENTION.
Step 2: Fannie & Freddie guaranteed most of US mortgages. And that's where Wall Street came in. Since the GOVERNEMENT guaranteed mortgages, they created products that were backed by these mortgages without making sure the people who held the mortgages were solvent.
Why? Because the GOVERNEMENT created the moral hazard. There was no risks. It is as if, the governement tells people that he guarantees their loses at the casino. Everybody will rush to a casino.
Step 3: Since these products offered a higher yield, managers in the U.S and around the world baught them (because their salaries depends on their performance) without looking at the viability of the mortgages. After all, why would they? These products were rated AAA by rating agencies wich by the way, are GOVERNEMENT approved agencies only. That is why this US crisis went global.
So if you want regulations, sure you can have them, but on the governement