One complete financial software

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tsotne
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Is there any financial software including statistics, optimization, linear algebra, generally from pure mathematics to finance - GARCH, VAR, derivatives pricing, Investments theories implementation, etc.? I wonder what is the program (if there is unified one) that you would most likely use in quantitative finance... Do you know software focused on it or you use everything that fits the bill - from excel to C++.
Which ones do you most often use? Not programming languages...But already made softwares... Is excel such widely used?
Thanks Devdeep for your answer. I'm planning to construct a software and want to include the fields mentioned above. I don't mean programming languages. VBA is used often. I'm searching for software not having scripts to write - just use. I cannot invent a new programming language to make something similar like VBA/C, etc. rather, I want to have some benchmark to get a clear understanding of how such programs are created including math, stats, finance combined in user friendly interfaces with no codes and scripts. Thanks a lot again for your response.
Thanks Devdeep for your answer. I'm planning to construct a software and want to include the fields mentioned above. I don't mean programming languages. VBA is used often. I'm searching for software not having scripts to write - just use. I cannot invent a new programming language to make something similar like VBA/C, etc. rather, I want to have some benchmark to get a clear understanding of how such programs are created including math, stats, finance combined in user friendly interfaces with no codes and scripts. Thanks a lot again for your response.

This depends on whether you're looking for commercial software or something in the open-source arena. Most of what you'll find in terms of open-source will be libraries, i.e., QuantLib and Rmetrics.

There are several high quality commercial packages as well: Numerix, FinCad, and Quantifi to name a few. Most vendors will offer three types of products: some sort of excel interface for their libraries, a standalone application, and APIs / SDKs. These commercial packages, though, are expensive because they often contain proprietary models/analytics and are also production-quality.
This depends on whether you're looking for commercial software or something in the open-source arena. Most of what you'll find in terms of open-source will be libraries, i.e., QuantLib and Rmetrics.

There are several high quality commercial packages as well: Numerix, FinCad, and Quantifi to name a few. Most vendors will offer three types of products: some sort of excel interface for their libraries, a standalone application, and APIs / SDKs. These commercial packages, though, are expensive because they often contain proprietary models/analytics and are also production-quality.

Thanks. That's what I was interested in. Got the general information. I want to see their interfaces, functionality and strive to create the one meeting already recognized features.
Is there any financial software including statistics, optimization, linear algebra, generally from pure mathematics to finance - GARCH, VAR, derivatives pricing, Investments theories implementation, etc.? I wonder what is the program (if there is unified one) that you would most likely use in quantitative finance... Do you know software focused on it or you use everything that fits the bill - from excel to C++.

Hi, you can try .
Thanks Ohad! I'm reviewing the softwares Sanket Patel suggested above: Numerix, FinCad, Quantifi. Will add Stata to the list as well.

I'd recommend Numerix.

Disclaimer - I work for Numerix :)
I've just read the thread ! Good idea Tsotne and thanks everyone! I will look into those software too!
Thank you all for such useful suggestions. That's exactly what I was seeking. I have one more question. I have purchased an Apple iPad having Mac OS installed on it. I have a PC with Win 7 and want to develop an application in VS 2010 C++/C# on my windows. Will there be many compatibility problems with deploying those applications on iPad?
Thank you all for such useful suggestions. That's exactly what I was seeking. I have one more question. I have purchased an Apple iPad having Mac OS installed on it. I have a PC with Win 7 and want to develop an application in VS 2010 C++/C# on my windows. Will there be many compatibility problems with deploying those applications on iPad?
Start a new thread and ask the question. I can tell you from the get go that the Apps for iPad/iPhone are done in Objective-C. No C++ and no C#. Also, the iPad doesn't have Mac OS but iOS. That's a different creature.
Start a new thread and ask the question. I can tell you from the get go that the Apps for iPad/iPhone are done in Objective-C. No C++ and no C#. Also, the iPad doesn't have Mac OS but iOS. That's a different creature.

Oh yes not sure of the OS exactly and not aware of the compatibility issues. So I cannot deploy my custom (C#) made calculators on it...
No you can't. iPad runs on iOS which supports only Objective-C language-based programs.
Oh yes not sure of the OS exactly and not aware of the compatibility issues. So I cannot deploy my custom (C#) made calculators on it...

Off topic, why do you use C# or any other "pure" programming language?
For personal usage that doesn't require super-optimal performance wouldn't Matlab be the easiest and fastest way to create mathematically orientated programs?
Off topic, why do you use C# or any other "pure" programming language?
For personal usage that doesn't require super-optimal performance wouldn't Matlab be the easiest and fastest way to create mathematically orientated programs?

I'm more C# user. Not only for mathematical side. I have defined many things in C# already and find it much easier to go with it rather than reinvent the wheels in other languages. I'm switching to C++ though. Particularly I'm on C-based languages.
Create a new thread and post those questions. I can give a little bit of an insight. There is somebody here in QN that has a complete product for the iPad and the iPhone. He can give you more details too. However, scrap your idea of C# or C++ in iOS.
Now I'm clear in my intentions. I have seen the softwares suggested above. I have written many codes and will start translating them into forms. I lack one last thing... I've been searching for the software fitting the copula functions visually (not programming language support for copulas like python code, MATLAB custom library,etc). The program visually similar to the above ones. You might know any. I need it because I have algorithms fitting the copula functions, but donno how to implement them visually on the forms. So I'd get some ideas from already existing softwares. Thanks
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