PhD advice

Hi. I have offers to study a PhD in Engineering at Cambridge or Applied Maths at Imperial. The projects are quiet similar and I was hoping to get some advice to help me in making a decision. How different are the prospects at these universities and the corresponding degrees, Engineering and Maths?

Thanks in advance.
What has your question got to do with quantitative finance?
For one thing after any of the two programs he will be much more prepared to be a "quant" than any graduate of a financial engineering program. Anyways, having in mind it is a PhD program and it will take several years to complete try to figure out which research area seems to be more interesting to you. I am not really familiar with any of the two program so I cannot say more :) I am sure both programs are great anyways so no worries.
How can you be sure both programs are great when you've freely admitted you know nothing about either? Engage your brain please.
How can you be sure both programs are great when you've freely admitted you know nothing about either? Engage your brain please.
Imperial - great engineering school. Cambridge - great math school. Brain engaged?

I wonder how your post helped the author of the topic (think)
Both schools are fine - focus more on what you want to do for research.
Both schools are fine - focus more on what you want to do for research.

I have not done a PhD but what I have always heard from friends who have is that it's more about what you want to do for your dissertation and what kind of support the school has for your favored specialty.
Imperial - great engineering school. Cambridge - great math school. Brain engaged?

I wonder how your post helped the author of the topic (think)

Well that's a shame since he wanted to do engineering at cantab and maths at imperial. Fortunately cantab happens to be great at engineering and imperial at maths too.

Anyway, the point is, you have no idea what either entails yet you're giving advice. If you don't know about something, keep stum.

To the OP: The cantab brand name will help you more, but it's impossible to help you decide unless you tell us what each PhD will actually involve.
Thanks for the response. Both projects are in fluid dynamics and I would be happy to pursue either. I already have a degree from Cambridge and may like to go to imperial for a new experience. Further, I am keen on working in a mathematics department. However, I get on well with the supervisor at Cambridge and I know the brand name is perhaps stronger.
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