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Any idea what does a MSc distinction from Imperial college, London convert to in the GPA scale? I'm applying to CMU, UCB and MIT. GRE Q770 V640.

How come you are not trying for Baruch? Was the undergrad from imperial?
Nah, from VTU India. I wanted to apply to just 3 places and finally chose these.
Thanks, could you please explain more about the advice?also any idea about my question about the GPA conversion ?
There's probably an online calculator that would do the conversion, UK LSE MSc DISTINCTION to American standard format GOAL
Most of the quant shops I've spooken with have mentioned Baruch, amongst others.
For your Imperial conversion issue, there isn't any standard scale that you can use. But i suggest you use the "UK honours categories", in your case i suppose it's First class honours.
If this is insufficient for some of the universities you're applying to, get an academic equivalency evalutation with a US equivalent GPA.

Concerning Baruch, keep in mind that the Brand name isn't that powerful from an international perspective. Meaning that it's not a good idea to apply there if you're betting on an international career.
They probably won't even look at the Master's degree GPA, to apply for Master program, they only look at undergrad GPA