Pure Math undergrad? Or Applied Math?

Hello, I'm a student currently in the process of starting a new undergrad. I have in front of me 2 possible bachelor's I can take. One is called Applied Mathematics to Risk Management, and the other is just your typical pure math bachelor.
In the future, I intend to work as a quant, but I am quite not sure which bachelor's course I should choose.
Let me explain each one of them.
Essentially, the Applied course is a statistics degree that has the following math (including probability) classes: " Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry I-II, Mathematical Analysis I-IV (taken with electrical engineering students, not pure math students), Logic and Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Linear Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Probability I, Stochastic Processes and a class in Measure Theory with a focus on probability.
The statistics classes in the applied course are: Computational Methods in Stats (learn to program in R), Mathematical Statistics, Linear Models, Multivariate Models, Simulation Techniques, and Bayesian Statistics.
Now looking at this one might think this course is very good. And it indeed seems to be. The only thing that really bugs me is the fact that I don't get to learn things such as Abstract Algebra, proper Real Analysis, and other pure math courses.
The Pure course has your typical pure math stuff, but it isn't that strong in statistics, it only has Probability I and Mathematical Statistics. However, in the third year, I can take a few electives on those missing areas.

I would like to know what is your opinion on this. Should I go for the Applied Bachelors or the Pure Bachelors? I also intend to take a masters degree after this, so I don't know if this choice matters that much.

Note: The applied course also has classes in Financial Mathematics, Operations Research, Micro and Macroeconomics. If you need more info about the programs I'll gladly give it to you.
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