Quant education


I am a French student actually preparing a MSC in statistical domain.

The school where I am actually studying is CNAM in Paris, France.

The program is around statistical modelling, a little bit of C++, some time series, numerical analysis, econometrics, uni and multi variate analysis.

My question is simple : are there subjects useful and appreciated from the recruiters in UK and/or US.

I have already a very good computer science degree and I am asking myself if it'is necessary to get a Master in these domains or not.

Lot of persons seems to think that pure Maths are not that useful as before and that computer science will prevail more and more, specially parallel programming, data mining and algorithmics.

Thanks for any response.

Best regards.

Ok, but is it possible to get a quant job without a statistical or maths degree I mean (MSC/PHD) ?

For me no, even with an MSC in computer science, a good degree in maths is still necessary to be considered.

I would like an advice.

What kind of "quant job" exactly. "Quant" is really an umbrella term...
By quant job I mean quantitative analyst.
For me there is not 100 sort of quant jobs, is there ?
(I don't know very well what these person do day by day I must admit)
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