Hi guys,
I'm new to the group, nice to "meet" you all. A bit about me: I've recently finished my PhD in maths (from
Imperial College and MIT) and now doing an internship as a quant at an IB in London.
I've come across some really interesting questions in interviews over the years, at banks, defence, consulting etc. Thought I'd contribute to the puzzle pool with one of my favourites.
Ten eager undergraduates are at a Goldman Sachs internship assessment day. They've been too busy sucking up to HR at the networking lunch to eat any of the great sandwiches that are on offer. Catering and HR have come up with a clever way of assessing the students and getting rid of left over sandwiches.
The ten bright-eyed students will line up in one row, all facing in one direction so that the first person can see the backs of the rest while the tenth person can't see anyone.
Catering will then go to each student put either a tuna or a humous sandwich on each of the student's head randomly (this isn't a drinking game). HR will then ask each student in turn, starting with the first, what kind of sandwich they have on their head. If the student gets it right, they get an internship (and get to eat their hairgel-crusted sandwich) while if they get it wrong then they don't get an internship. HR then moves on to the next student in line.
The students like each other and want as many of them to get an internship (and sandwich) as possible. What's their strategy?