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Quantnet FACEBOOK Contest

I tried to contribute, but so far not amazingly successful. I think that the best line of approach to a QN slogan would be a play on the word "option".
well, to Joy's credit my first attempt sucked hard. I have no idea where I was going with it...

I still contend that a play on the word "option" would be best. The current front runner employs that approach... I just don't think I can do better as far as the actual phrasing goes.
The contest will end at midnight this Sunday. We will also reward the second winner as well.

And in other great news, we now have over 1,000 fans on Facebook. That's a big milestones for everyone at Quant Network and we thank you all for your help. This means the world to us.

Please help us help others interested in this career by telling your friends and colleagues about our site.

There is nothing more satisfying for us to provide our members with access to relevant information so they can make better decision on their education and career.

Visit our facebook page at Quantnet page Facebook