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Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

I was thinking of another improvement which can combine different programs by user. I mean let's say we saw person A getting accepted at CMU, it would be interesting to see what are his other options as per the tracker and what is his status in the other ones...
It is already done as requested by someone a week ago.
If you know user JohnSmith has an admit, then you can enter his username in the "Application Poster" input field and it will list all cases he has.
Obviously, if that person makes all his cases "Private", you won't be able to search by his username as you are not supposed to see the author of private cases.

You can also sort by Poster. Just click on the Poster column header (top left of the tracker table)
I checked the sorting by poster! It would be helpful if we can filter by academic year though because looking at last year's might be irrelevant to some followers!
Additional sorting preferences can be found at the bottom of the tracker.
Click on "Application Display Options" and it will expand out for you.
sorry andy i think i didnt get you!
How does that enable you to filter the 2011 results after you sort by poster!?
there should be something like 2 level sorting...
I just tried to update my application, it did bump it to the top of the page but gave me an error "A server error occurred. Please try again later."
I guess Im trying to sort using dates. For instance, after filtering Baruch's FT applications, I wanted to see the latest updates on interview dates. There's an option to filter 'Last Updated' vis-a-vis a small down arrow. If there was a same mechanism for 'Interview Date' one can discern some info about current processing times from submission to a decision. I know it really is up to the user to update. Also, the Edit and Delete option for a tracker post : can they be more prominent? I almost couldnt see them as in other posts the space is occupied by the poster's id.
Would be nice if people using our Tracker indicate their final decision somewhere in the tracker. It would take weeks after the final results for them to take the final decision.
This feature is coming up where you can indicate the program you will attend among your admits.
We'll make other columns sortable as well to give you more flexibility.
Seeing that people have an average of 4-5 applications, how about a "My Programs" option in the drop down menu? So essentially selecting this would filter only those programs the logged-in user has applied to and included an entry in the tracker.