Quantnet MFE Internship Tracker

Hi everyone,

This year, our Application Tracker really took off and it has been mentioned by several members as one of the best features of Quantnet.

Guess what, today, one of our long time members, @John suggested that we can create a Career Tracker in the same spirit of the Application Tracker

It will track the timeline of current and past MFE graduates: which MFE program they are enrolled in/graduated from, which type of internship did they get, what type of job did they get after graduation.

The information is entirely submitted by our members which consist of hundred and thousands of MFE. Just imagine the kind of insight it will give you, given that only a handful of programs post any kind of meaningful internship/job placement on their website.

This is something we can certainly develop and make it as popular as the current Tracker.

Input, thoughts on what you want to see?
Career tracker is a bit intense. I don't think it will work well although worth giving a shot.

I think an internship application and interview tracker will be good.
Career tracker covers all phrases of an MFE student.
First he applies to MFE programs -> there is an App for it
Now, after a semester, he starts looking for internship, he can use this to track his internship -> there will be an App for it
Once he graduate and get a job, he can add this to his timelines

The implementation may need some refines but that's roughly the idea.
As intermediate piece of puzzle for an eventual full-blown career tracker, the internship tracker is a great idea. It would bring even more transparency to the whole MFE game.
Any more input on what you would like to see in the Internship Tracker?
It will follow the model of our extremely successful Application Tracker which has gone through extensive modification. Since the codebase is already there, it will be much easier/faster for us to build a new Tracker based off that.
I would say it should have... Name of Company - Division - level of Internship (analyst or associate) - City - and then rounds of interviews and some space for some comments possibly.
In the Application Tracker, people are primarily interested in the decision timelines, the profiles of people that get admitted into certain programs.
In the Internship Tracker, the focus may be a bit different. I would think that people use this service would start roughly on the same footing in that they are in the same stage of MFE education. It is of interest to see how students of which MFE programs go about applying to internship and which companies offer these position.

That said, like our Application Tracker, it will likely go through numerous phrases to morph into something that is easy to use and provide great set of data for current and future MFE students.

Very good Idea! It would provide a good insight on programs that do not release career placements!
Keep going with your great work.
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