RIP Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Updated: Mr. Steve Jobs passed away on Oct 5, 2011

Says the Enquirer. I'm not sure if I trust anything from this source but other news outlet has picked up on the story. Judge for yourself.

gizmodo — Steve Jobs took another medical leave of absence earlier this year with no estimated return date. The National Enquirer has now published some scary looking photos of Steve, which depict him looking thinner and perhaps more ill than ever. (Photos in the spread above by Nick Stern)

The Enquirer followed him from breakfast to the Stanford Cancer Center. It says he has weeks to live, based on analysis of the photos by Dr. Gabe Mirkin and Dr. Samuel Jacobson. Neither are oncologists or have seen Steve in person. Mirkin, a radio talk show host, claims he has a "20-year track record of spotting breakthroughs and recommending effective treatments long before they become standard medical care" and makes his assessment of Steve based on the appearance of Steve's butt in the photos. Yes, this doctor is making a butt-diagnosis, remotely.!5762521/steve-jobs-has-weeks-to-live-says-the-national-enquirer
Take this with a grain of salt. He sure isn't healthy, but they don't necessarily always use truthful journalism.
Honestly, the Enquirer might be more accurate than you are willing to give it credit.
They are always under threat of costly legal action, especially for the more 'inflammatory' stories. They do have an incentive to be truthful more so than legitimate news sources

And less not forget they are the ones that broke the Edward's Love Child story & Bristol Palin pregnancy...
It might not be considered 'real' news but it can't easily be dismissed as being untrue.
I regard "based on photos" as a shabby form of diagnosis, and combines the ability to say things that are almost certainly untrue with a decent legal screen.

Jobs ain't well which is sad but the Tech industry is well rid of this scumbag.

He is not in any way responsible for any innovation and very particularly not in user interfaces. Apple (like IBM and Microsoft) lifted stuff from Xerox who invented GUIs, introduced mice and OO programming and the stuff that actually made Ethernet work.
I'm not sure if you people are kidding but you guys realize that the Enquirer is a joke, right?
Regardless, he lived for more than 6 weeks from the February date...
To all you who think I hate Apple. R.I.P. Steve Jobs. You did more for consumer electronics than possibly any single person in history.
Jobs ain't well which is sad but the Tech industry is well rid of this scumbag.

He is not in any way responsible for any innovation and very particularly not in user interfaces. Apple (like IBM and Microsoft) lifted stuff from Xerox who invented GUIs, introduced mice and OO programming and the stuff that actually made Ethernet work.

More of a marketing man than a technical person. Wozniak I think was the technical one.
Marketing is more important then technical. Who cares what's invented if it never takes off?
Microsoft wouldn't be a fraction of what it is today without Steve Ballmer. Yet Bill Gates gets all of the credit.
Knew it was coming, but still shocking. I am glad that he managed to keep this private affair rather secret. God bless.
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