Sign up for Study Group

Please state your available hours and subjects you wish to work on. If you are willing to help others in certain subject, please state so we can pair more efficiently.
The schedule will be announced soon. We will start some time next Monday.

Available Schedule: flexible. Most weekdays (before class) and some weekend.
Subject(s) need help: Finance, VBA/Excel, C++
Subject(s) can help: some math
Avaiability: possibly 30 min before class and weekends

Classes need help with: C++, math, finance (?), VBA

Classes can help with: finance
Available Schedule: flexible. MON-FRI: anytime, weekends: not sure yet
Subject(s) need help: Finance, may be Probability
Subject(s) can help: math, C++
Subject(s) need :smt100 : C++, VBA
Subject(s) may offer help: Finance, Maths

Collective wisdom is greater than individual talent :smt058
Bridgett said:
wait a is this gonna be organized or structured again?
So Bridgett, this is just a normal study group. We will decide on a place and convinient time to meet and study.
This is a Coalition of the Willing. :D Nobody is gonna organize or structure anything for us. This is done not out of nicety but a need to survive the program. (It was difficult for past students to study without partners and it's impossible for us to do so now).
If you are working fulltime, then you need to find time during weekends to meet. If you are studying fulltime then you will study together most of the weekdays and some weekend.
I forgot to mention. I can help in c++, VBA.

BTW, does MTH 9814 have any programming involved?
sam22 said:
BTW, does MTH 9814 have any programming involved?
You need to code in almost every course (lot of programming if you wonder). No programming will be taught in 9814 and you will need to code in C++ and submit your answer. No Matlab, VBA is allowed to solve the problems.
Available Schedule: flexible. Most weekdays (before class) and weekends.
Subject(s) need help: Finance, C++ (?)
Subject(s) can help: Math, Excel, VBA, C++
Meeting place?

I suggest the Library. There are study rooms in the Library as well. You may also borrow laptops and/or use the desktops in the Library/

Study Time

I'm available pretty much anytime during the week. Not so much on the weekends

I'm looking for a Real Analysis study group and a C++ study group. Exact days and times we should determine after classes start and everyones schedules are more set.
Re: Study Time

ajbraha said:
I'm looking for a Real Analysis study group and a C++ study group.
That would the two most time-consuming courses in the program :)
I'm in for the Real Analysis group too.
The first meet will be Monday Sept 4th, location will be the Quantnet lounge in the 6th floor of VC building. Specifics will be emailed individually.
Re: Study Time

Andy said:
The first meet will be Monday Sept 4th, location will be the Quantnet lounge in the 6th floor of VC building. Specifics will be emailed individually.
Sep. 4th is Labor Day. College should be closed.
Re: Study Time

Yusheng said:
Sep. 4th is Labor Day. College should be closed.
:es_okroger: It's Tues Sept 5th then. :es_thanks_you: for reminding me.

Here are some important dates to remember
August 30 Wednesday Last day to drop with 100% refund
First day of classes for Fall 2006
31 Thursday First day to drop with 75% refund

September 2-3 Saturday - Sunday No classes Scheduled
4 Monday Labor Day - College Closed
6 Wednesday Classes follow a Monday schedule
Last day of Late registration; Add/Replace
Last day for graduate students to audit
Last day to drop with 75% refund
7-13 Thursday-Wednesday Drop with 50% refund
14 Thursday First day to drop with 25% refund
20 Wednesday Last day to drop without 'W' grade
Last day to drop with 25% refund
Last day to file Pass/Fail (undergraduate)
Last day to file P/NC (graduate)
21 Tuesday Beginning of withdrawal with 'W' grade. No refunds
22-24 Friday-Sunday No classes scheduled; College Open

October 2 Monday No classes scheduled ; College Open
3 Tuesday Classes follow a Monday schedule
9 Monday Columbus Day - College Closed
November 6 Monday Last day to apply for February 2007 graduation
8 Wednesday Last day to submit immunization records
13 Monday Last day to withdraw with 'W' grade
Last day to file for Audit (non-degree)
22 Wednesday Classes follow a Friday schedule
23-26 Thursday-Sunday Thanksgiving Recess - College Closed

December 13 Wednesday Last day of classes
14 Thursday Reading Day
15-22 Friday-Friday Final Examinations
24-25 Sunday-Monday Christmas - College Closed
January 1 Monday New Year's Day - College Closed
Availability for study group

I am willing to join the study group.
Availability: Fridays & Saturdays and maybe Monday & Wednesday evenings.
Need help with: DEFINITELY Finance and C++
Can help with: some math
Looking forward to it! :)
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