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Startup hedge fund (fundamental research)?

Hi. I'm a grad student at a US MFE program and have been interning at a startup hedge fund during the spring and summer. I was wondering, 1. Is it too risky to work at a startup hedge fund? What if the fund doesn't get its $100 AUM or ends up shutting down a few years later? What are my career options then? 2. What can I expect in salary?

Hi. I'm a grad student at a US MFE program and have been interning at a startup hedge fund during the spring and summer. I was wondering, 1. Is it too risky to work at a startup hedge fund? What if the fund doesn't get its $100 AUM or ends up shutting down a few years later? What are my career options then? 2. What can I expect in salary?


That's the nature of the business.

There are plenty of fund successful funds with < $100mm in aum. If the fund shuts down after two years, the two years of experience and knowledge under your belt will help open other doors.