Tips to future New Yorkers

#2 Avoid eye contact on trains (people can be psychos).
#3 When riding the train, please wash your hands afterwards.
#4 Move quick.
#5 Be prepared for dynamic climate change. Summers are too hot and winters are too cold.
#6 Be polite, give your seat on trains to elderly.
Thanks a lot, npatel.
Nice and practical tips.

I'm going to put these together into a "Survival guide" for incoming students who come to NYC to study.

Keep them coming, real New Yorkers.

#7. Always buy monthly metro card with your credit card. Monthly because it's cheaper. Credit card because you can get refund if your card is lost/malfunction.
#2 Avoid eye contact on trains (people are psychos).
#3 When riding the train, please wash your hands cause poles are DIRTY.
#4 Order food quick cause it's always crowded.
#5 Be prepared for dynamic climate change. Summers are too hot and winters are too cold.
#6 Be polite, give your seat on trains to older/heavier women.

And I thought this thread was meant to be helpful...

Tip: go to the Metropolitan Opera; 100 orchestra tickets go on sale 2 hours before curtain time for $20, for almost every show.
Heh, that was a joke post I made (I just happened to remember my anthropology professor talking about norms in the NYC subway, haha).

The only tips you need are the monthly metro cards, try pizzeria pizza, and there are many awesome comedy and Broadway shows.
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