Transferring to another MS program

Has anyone attempting transferring between MS programs? I'm currently in the MS in Quantitative Methods in Baruch and I'm considering transferring to the Columbia MSOR program. I did pretty well in my first semester 3.8/4.0. My GRE scores are 720Q/600V/5. But I can probably get the Q up to at least 790 or 800 pretty easy. I didn't really study for the GREs the first time around.

Anyhow just wanted to see if I'd be relatively competitive coming from another MS program. Any input would be appreciated.
It has been done. I know at least one person transferring from one quant master program to another but "transfer" is being used loosely.
You can not jump to second semester at program B after finishing one semester at program A.
You will have to apply like everyone else and you may and may not be able to transfer any credit from A. Rule and restrictions apply.
The folks at MSOR would be your best source of information.
Just go to Columbia website, and you'll see that Columbia IEOR does NOT accept any transfer credit, so basically, you'll apply and start the MSOR program from scratch...

And 720 Q is too low, IMO...
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