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transtioning from engineer to quant


I 'm hoping somebody here would be kind enough to answer some questions for me.

I have an MSEE and six years experience in signal processing. I recently decided to try and make a transition to quantitative finance but I 'm having trouble gaining any traction as far as getting interviews.

My questions are:

1. How valuable is the CQF for someone with no prior finance experience. Does it open doors for interviews. Full time study is not a viable option for me right now.

2. How realistic is it to pursue a pure quant role and are there any other entry roles that could allow me to get in the door and prove myself.

3. How much is a new quant hire expected to know right off the bat.

I know this is an MFE site but I would appreciate someone getting back to me.

Send an email or PM Dominic. If you know signal processing good enough and also can stand your ground in C++ he might be able to help you.