It's been a while QN - How's everyone doing?
So, I managed to land two quantitative analysis jobs out of undergrad. They were both entry level analyst gigs. One was a rotational program surveying modeling (hardcore programming), structuring & risk management. They were pretty good firms, too (insurance co. & a bank).
I ended up turning them both down and accepting an Investment Banking offer.
I've been shooting at FE for around 2 years now, so everything just changed. The offer was just to sweet to turn down.
I'm curious what people think about this. Do you think IB was a better choice in terms of exit opps/grad school?
So, I managed to land two quantitative analysis jobs out of undergrad. They were both entry level analyst gigs. One was a rotational program surveying modeling (hardcore programming), structuring & risk management. They were pretty good firms, too (insurance co. & a bank).
I ended up turning them both down and accepting an Investment Banking offer.
I've been shooting at FE for around 2 years now, so everything just changed. The offer was just to sweet to turn down.
I'm curious what people think about this. Do you think IB was a better choice in terms of exit opps/grad school?