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UCB MFE UCB 3rd interview

No. I have already enrolled required courses, PDE and numerical analysis. I am R2 applicant, and was put on hold for two months.
Wow, good to know this. Makes a huge difference in my decision. Thank you Zeyun.
Which schools are you offered an admission>?

I'm one of the applicants of round 2 UCB MFE.
During round two I had two technical interview and last interview with Linda.
After that, I was put on a hold.

Is there anybody put on a hold after interview with Linda??
or anybody knows someone put on a hold after interview with Linda?
I want to know it is a rare case.

Thank you in advance.

Could you please share if interview with Linda technical? I am assuming she will ask questions like why MFE/UCB and your career gaols, etc. Besides, did she challenge your math/programming background?