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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

Hello, do we have an idea on how much of a chance someone has based on these waitlist? Even I have received one.
Is there someone who reapplied to this program? Do reapplicants have a good second chance?
The interview was purely technical. They ask questions from Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probs & Stats, ML, C++, finance etc. They will also see what you have on your resume and ask questions on that.
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No. But I am afraid that it's because my last recommendation was submitted in early April. And I haven't heard anything since then.
I had been waitlisted for UCB MFE, but have not had my interview yet. I have been asked to complete few courses first(Coursera coursers etc). What are the chances of converting the waitlist to Acceptance? Anyone who was in a similar position and has received an admit? Thank you.
UCB asked you to complete coursera courses to become more eligible? Is this to fill gaps from undergrad?
I'm not sure about this, but I think you will have to wait till at least the end of Round 3. The admitted students also get a pre-requisite checklist so don't worry, it is very much possible that you'll be interviewed soon. Just make sure that you are disciplined, are doing the courses and are sending them regular monthly updates. Good luck!
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I'm not sure about this, but I think you will have to wait till atleast the end of Round 3. The admitted students also get a pre-requisite checklist so don't worry that much, it is very much possible that you'll be interviewed soon. Just make sure that you are disciplined, are doing the courses and are sending them regular monthly updates. Good luck!
Understand. Thank you for this.