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University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

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I was interviewed on March 5th and got an offer on March 6th. The interview was roughly the same as described by previous posters.
harpik, thank you so much for sharing!

How many students were there in your group interview? How long did the whole thing last?

It lasted about 2.5 hours (we started at 1pm and we were done around 3:30pm).

There were 4 applicants including me.
Mines had 7 people if any of you are wondering and lasted 3 hours (though the last 20 minutes was answering our questions).
wow congratz zeroprobability, you must be one of the very first that received the offer from Toronto. Did you have offers from any other programs?
Hi, everyone. I got an email about the assessment yesterday. But I am living in Guangzhou,China. I guess the assessment process which already stated as a way to evaluate my skills would be conducted by email?! Not sure, cuz the sender request me to confirm my email address and said the assessment would be ready right away by email. Anyone got the same email this week?
Hi, everyone. I got an email about the assessment yesterday. But I am living in Guangzhou,China. I guess the assessment process which already stated as a way to evaluate my skills would be conducted by email?! Not sure, cuz the sender request me to confirm my email address and said the assessment would be ready right away by email. Anyone got the same email this week?
Hi, I got the same email as yours. Hope to communicate more with you. I am a student from Beijing. (Renmin Univ. of China)
hi i received the same email too, they asked to confirm the email address and will send the assessment by email in the near future.. pls update if you receive that assessment thanks!
wow congratz zeroprobability, you must be one of the very first that received the offer from Toronto. Did you have offers from any other programs?

No, I only applied to UofT MMF. The only other programs I applied to are PhD programs in math.