Value of an MFE from Europe


Due to my financial situation, my choice of where I can do an MFE is rather limited, I'm from the UK so it leaves some European universities open to me such as VU University in Amsterdam or possibly Zurich.

Another option I've considered is an MFE from China, in particular - Xiamen University:
International Master Program in Financial Engineering, WISE, Xiamen University, China

Can anyone shed light on the value and employability of these degrees? There is little info that I could find other than for the Ivy league schools, but they are simply not an option for me.

I should mention that the VU degree is in Quantitative Risk Management.

Thanks for any info.
I thought you are better work in UK first, is that impossible to get job in investment industry with your undergraduate degree? Are student loans are impossible in UK? Are scholarship is inavaliable?

Xiamen University Programme is looks like MBA, that many people says that it less worth it than CFA. In my country (Indonesia), hundreds MBA Finance are avaliable (maybe more in China),buat only have 1 MFE equivalent

FYI, I take MSc Financial Mathematics Programme in Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia, that are 4 time cheaper than Xiamen's programme (but delivered in bahasa Indonesia).
MSc FM in UGM is MFE equivalent (Those mandatory subjects are Metric Spaces, Advanced Linear Algebra, Mathematical Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Stochastics Calculus, Risk Management), and you must choose 6-8 subjects of them: Computational Finance (R+Matlab), Portofolio Theory (Markowitz Base), Financial Econometrics (Regression and Mulitivariate Time Series), Fixed-Income Valuation, Derivatives Valuation, Bussines Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Game Theory, Stochastic Process, etc).
Based on Mike's Explanation in Quantstart
Why a Masters in Finance Won't Make You a Quant Trader - QuantStart
I just lost one subject (Corporate Finance)