What are the big quantatitive finance conferences?

Hi all,

What are the big quantitative finance conferences? Interested in conferences with both an industry and an educational focus.

Thanks in advance,

I receive a lot of email from finance events marketers and I often have a suspicious eye on it. If it's something I don't want to pay to attend myself, I will never push it to the members here as the marketers really want.

The fee-based events often cost TOO MUCH. It's not a big problem if your company pays but if you are students trying to network or get your knowledge up, you often have to ask yourself if the event is worth the fee.

The big event we usually promote here is the ARPM bootcamp which is charity-driven. The speakers do it for free and proceed goes to various charities. Better yet, we give our members a big discount.

If you live in NYC, there are dozens of events you can go to for free. Bloomberg runs it weekly. Peter Carr used to give talks there. And there are workshops run by various MFE programs. Matlab runs free seminars often, etc.
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