What program should I be looking at?


So, looking to pursue an MFE after my undergrad but I'm a bit lost on what my expectations should be; here's what I have behind my name:

University of Iowa

Majors: BS Mathematics, BS Economics, BBA Finance
Minor: Computer Science
Cumulative GPA: 3.2/4
Major GPAs: all around a 3.4/4

*Math background: Calc 1 - 3 (with 3 being multivariate). Stats 1 - 3 (with 3 being "upper level," calc based), econometrics, linear algebra, matrix algebra, differential equations.

*Computer Background: Python, C++, Matlab, VB
Finance/Econ background: more or less all relevant courses.

Work Experience: no "real" work experience. I have, however, held a job for at least 3 of 5 college years working 20+ hours a week. I also don't have a typical student job; I work at a university hospital as an intern for the Dean, Assistant VP (finance guy), and Chief of Staff.

I have not taken, but plan to take my GRE and CFA Level 1.

I have two more years left of college; making the assumption I pass my CFA 1 and get a 700+ on my GRE, what programs should I be spending my time on?

*Not all courses completed.
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