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What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

a friend of mine who’s a Rust developer was telling me that people repeating exactly the same arguments that C++ programmers have been using for like 7 years as to why Rust *isn't really that impactful and will never succeed in $domain* until it does
a friend of mine who’s a Rust developer was telling me that people repeating exactly the same arguments that C++ programmers have been using for like 7 years as to why Rust *isn't really that impactful and will never succeed in $domain* until it does
Why not just learn Rust _and_ C++?

Your post is a bit ambiguous, it is not precise. C++ Concepts were based on Haskell TYPECLASSES. But who cares now, it works.

I know C++ Concepts and it then took me a day or so to learn Rust traits..

It takes 15 years before a technology becomes accepted.
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