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2011 MFE Ranking will come out on Monday, September 19th
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If possible also give the statistics for each program that go into calculating the rankings. (like average/median salaries, duration of program, etc). I am sure these statistics will be as useful as the rankings to the prospective students. Thanks.
Also Please tell me pros and cons of working in ER. I understand that a lot depends on personal preference but just wanted to know your perspective. I am at crucial stage in my career and i want to make sound decision.

A big thanks!! looking forward for deep insights :)

Hey Euroazn,

I understand through one of your reply in a post that you have worked as ER or atleast possess quite a working knowledge of ER. I will really appreciate if you can tell me pros and cons of working in ER. I understand lot depends on personal preference but just wanted to know your perspective. I am at crucial stage in my career and really need to understand the career as analyst in ER.

Hey Amanda,

I understand through one of your reply in a post that you worked in ER for around 5 years. I wonder what led you to join MFE program. I aspire to pursue career in ER but dont know what is the career progression after working for 2-3 years as analyst in ER. I will be quite thankful to you if you can give some insights.

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