Search results

  1. ExSan

    which is more useful in the real world? Python or C++...

    Why C is so popular and still the best programming language?
  2. ExSan

    Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?

    could you please elaborate your post?
  3. ExSan

    High-Frequency Trading May Destabilize Market

    I would like to know if PW still believes it.
  4. ExSan

    Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?

    "Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?" why not HFT?
  5. ExSan

    Modern Computational Finance book

    is this a 1st edition???
  6. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    what about break & continue?
  7. ExSan

    .NET HFT systems

    From the trunk of memories. This thread is interesting
  8. ExSan


    I wonder if Craig is still looking for someone?
  9. ExSan

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    What about a section dedicated to HFT - High Frequency Trading
  10. ExSan

    Good forum for home work/study related questions

    Someone advised me ... "Unfortunately, it is not active. And the only guy replying frequently (I guess he is moderator) is quite tough"
  11. ExSan

    Article: High-Frequency Trading Firms Seeking Tech Talent

    yes, you are right BTW worth to read AN post, thanks !
  12. ExSan

    Is it appropriate to include HFT bitcoin project in SOP

    Wall Street’s embrace could break Bitcoin
  13. ExSan

    Is quantitative finance as diffcult as medicine?

    Is quantitative finance as difficult as medicine? no, it isn't! it is much more difficult !!!
  14. ExSan

    Algorithm (coding) requirement for Quant Interview

    Most of them are relatively easy. Let me suggest you to learn Red Black Tree and all its operations. The implementation in C/C++ is another story
  15. ExSan

    Quantitative trading on equities (HFT ranging from 1 to 5 mins)

    What is the difference between Ultra High Frequency Trading and HFT ?
  16. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    sol: how to swap two numbers without temp program in c++
  17. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    nope! you are using two extra temp variables A & B a and b are given, you have no more resources
  18. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    how to swap two numbers without temp program in c(++)
  19. ExSan

    10 Fun Quantnet Facts You May Not Know

    A lot of nice people contributed those days
  20. ExSan

    Welcome back. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I became Quantnet member several years ago. I always visit this forum looking for information related to HFT wich is the topic I primarily focus on. I got a Master of Science in computer Science from Polytechnic University of NY (today NYU). I do mostly of my research on C/C++ though Python...
  21. ExSan

    Black Friday TV

    I love the image of Samsung 4K curved 56 inches
  22. ExSan

    Quant programming languages of 2016? and GPU-wise: CUDA or OpenCL?

    does Fortran handle float better than C? please explain. salut !
  23. ExSan

    Quant programming languages of 2016? and GPU-wise: CUDA or OpenCL?

    now they are talking about Go
  24. ExSan

    Bringing C++ to the 21st Century

    "Bringing C++ to the 21st Century" 21st century is gonna be plenty of multicore CPUs, which CPU is good enough for a Quant -I mean for a C/C++ programmer (Python included)-, in term of Cores? 4, 8, 10?
  25. ExSan

    Does anyone Cython !

    The latest release of Cython is 0.27.3 (released 2017-11-03).
  26. ExSan

    Online Compiler and Laptop

    ASUS Strix Hero
  27. ExSan

    Python Questions

    COURSERA Python I intro uses it, and that library is very impressive
  28. ExSan

    Python Questions

    I am using MS Visual Studio 2017 Python 2.7 (64 bits) Does anyone know how to install simplegui Thanks in advance
  29. ExSan

    Python Questions

    Python environment add package pip numpy
  30. ExSan

    Improving financial mathematical knowledge from a different/unique background.

    great link! Thanks. though where to learn HFT? Coursera does not cover the topic. someone?
  31. ExSan

    Yahoo API, how to get gold price, opening and closing

    have you tried eSignal? do you have any opinion of it?
  32. ExSan

    Intro to C++ for Quant Finance

  33. ExSan

    Laptops in 2017

    what about this one Computex 2017: ASUS ZenBook Flip S, The World's Thinnest 13-inch 2-in-1 Featuring Windows 10 S | PC Perspective
  34. ExSan

    C++ Problem

    ExSan on Twitter
  35. ExSan

    Will I have time to play video games?

    The Drone Racing League
  36. ExSan

    Laptops in 2017 - Ultrabook Reviews 2017, Comparisons and News salut mon ami ! ;) I am fond of ASUS. MRoss, could you advise which one would you choose?
  37. ExSan

    Obscure C++ Features

    C++ is not easy, it is not !
  38. ExSan

    FAQ: Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Course

    This course looks quite interesting. All topics are so useful
  39. ExSan

    which one is easy to use C or C++??

    when you master C++ you do not want to go back to C, because C++ makes your life easier, then it is hard to say C is not "easier" than C++
  40. ExSan

    CMU Computational Finance Notes

    make it public please ;)
  41. ExSan

    MFE: To do or not to do?

    switch(exp){ case i_th: // code ; break; } is usually used when several branches are required, (more than 2). My C code uses switch statement for +10 case i_th: // code; break; how to code switch() C-instruction in the most simmilar way in python ?
  42. ExSan

    MFE: To do or not to do?

    Thanks for your reply. what about do{ //... }while(); ? it differs from while(){}
  43. ExSan

    MFE: To do or not to do?

    and the python code is ... ?
  44. ExSan

    MFE: To do or not to do?

    so please help me with this: I need the equivalent structure in python of these C structures: do{ // my code }while(exp?); I want to translate some C code to python, also I need the equivalent python code for this switch(?){ case i: //code ; break; .... } try not to google, no...
  45. ExSan

    MFE: To do or not to do?

    I would like to rescue this
  46. ExSan

    Cloud services to backtest minute data

    thanks a lot !
  47. ExSan

    Cloud services to backtest minute data

    please enlighten me ASICs ?
  48. ExSan

    Cloud services to backtest minute data

    what about bitcoin mining using the cloud ?
  49. ExSan

    Historical stock quotes in excel

    check out interactive brokers API
  50. ExSan

    The real Wolf of Wall Street

    The real Wolf of Wall Street John Paulson
  51. ExSan

    What book to study from after Absolute C++

    please share some info. Books for no beginners
  52. ExSan

    NYU Tandon MFE Length of NYU Poly MFE

    would you please share the link NYU Poly MFE
  53. ExSan

    I'm not a math genius. Do I have a shot?

    I'm not a math genius. Do I have a shot? no, you don't
  54. ExSan

    Online course suggestions

    better than Python?
  55. ExSan

    MSc theses in computational finance

    thanks DD !
  56. ExSan

    Courses in MFE?

    what are the courses that should be consider in case of HFT track ?
  57. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    lucky of you, these days landing is uncertain
  58. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    Inspiration, Student Parents on a Mission
  59. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    QL 1.6.2 It is most likely that I am not setting up the right folders (libraries, linker, etc ..)
  60. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    thank you sir for your kind reply I have installed boost, the latest version 1.59.0 boost library is up and running, I have no problem with this library. I want to comile a simple program but the directive #include <ql/quantlib.hpp> gives me this error Severity Code Description...
  61. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Installation in Visual Studio 2013

    I am about to give up this. Does any one have installed QL in VS2015 Community? Can someone share step by step instructions ? Kindly XSN
  62. ExSan

    How i became a quant?

    please share the path
  63. ExSan

    Best books to learn C++

    constant practice is the only way
  64. ExSan

    How i became a quant?

    I would love to participate, but I am thousands of miles away. will it be recorded ?
  65. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    At the beginning of a class an MIT teacher wrote in the upper right corner of the blackboard: "there are no silly questions but lazy ones". You are right ! I should do the rest of the homework by myself
  66. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    could you please update it? for VS 2015 this is a very interesnting * useful utility cheers. (I am back from lunch ;))
  67. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    @APalley & @DD requested link, please take a look in this thread Daniel Duffy's post on,10/17/13 post #12 let me know if you find it
  68. ExSan

    Looking for Junior Partners in financial StartUp with WEB and APP programming skills

    outsourcing? count on me! My resume includes some knowledge of C++ I love coding, sometimes I wake up before 6AM and I can be absorbed by it for 5 to 6 hours. Then I realize I have to breakfast, too late it is luch time. then I have to rest and browse internet. I QN everyday.
  69. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    6.13AM I am going to play tennis, be patient ;)
  70. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    right now I am leaving for lunch, later I will try to find your post ;)
  71. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    I am always eager to learn something new !
  72. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\MSO.DLL C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\VBE6EXT.OLB Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6EXT.OLB C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.exe Microsoft® Office/Excel 2010 (Version 14 - 64 bits) THANKS IN ADVANCE ;) R
  73. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    Dear DD, I am having difficulties to compile and execute your program ExcelHelloWorld, could you please update the import directives This is my environment Windows10 + MS Visual Studio Community 2015
  74. ExSan

    Scanning the whole market using R (Stat.Arb)

    I like your post. I have done most of what you have pointed out using C++
  75. ExSan

    Open Source Hedge Fund

    I have bookmarked your link cheers xsn
  76. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    Installing QL is not an easy task. I am still struggling
  77. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    it seems to work now. thanks !!!
  78. ExSan

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    I can not reproduce image 2/2 LINKER/ADDITIONAL LIBRARY DIRECTORIES I can only set to this: C:\BOOST\boost_1_59_0;%AdditionalLibraryDirectories) but not to lib-32- msvc should I include this manually ? ......... I can compile the directive #include <boost/format.hpp> when I try this...
  79. ExSan

    How to update and upload stock prices from yahoo/google into R ?

    is there something similar for C/C++
  80. ExSan

    Need personal career advice.

    Please don't do a PhD! why ?
  81. ExSan

    Laptop Thread 2015-2016

    what about TOSHIBA Kirabook, what are the pros/cons ?
  82. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    @DD does Visual Studio 2015 include C++11 or C+14 ? how to know wich one?
  83. ExSan

    Terry Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world

    I would like to know more about Perelman
  84. ExSan

    Functional Programming

    "C# has been lagging behind C++ in this regard for some time." why is C# plunging?
  85. ExSan

    Best Method to Simulate FX Rates

    I didn't know that there was such method. Could you please share more info/links Thnks xsn
  86. ExSan

    Applying to MFE Programs in NYC

    I am still waiting for Baruch online program, hopefully soon
  87. ExSan


    this is interesting ! I will have to code -copy paste- and see by myself.
  88. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    no, it is not. But it requires programming in C/C++
  89. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    currently it is only halfway, hopefully I will
  90. ExSan

    Proving your Programming Skills

    I am taking this at COURSERA: Text Mining and Analytics this is a VERY challenging course, in terms of programming. You don't need much maths, this course will really proof your programming skills, at least it has been for me
  91. ExSan

    Greeks using BinomialTree in Matlab

    I would be glad to help you with the C/C++ version of your code
  92. ExSan

    Bitcoin - a new kind of currency

    BITCOIN is not dead yet New York sets rules for running Bitcoin exchange businesses
  93. ExSan

    Mid frequency trading references

    In the mean time, please share those you already found/have. Thanks in advance
  94. ExSan

    C++: Getting Started

    I am sorry, you are right. any way I was expecting Eclipse some how in the list. do you agree is probably the best IDE for Linux ?
  95. ExSan

    C++: Getting Started

    1. Get a Compiler ... I was expecting eclipse on the list for ubuntu ????
  96. ExSan

    Why are quants leaving finance for tech or other places?

    Could it be because HFT ???? ! robots, super algorithms + high end hardware, are doing the job
  97. ExSan

    Programming with C++ 11 on Mac

    Get rid of that Mac. Buy a Zen Asus. That is it
  98. ExSan

    How to make a precalculated lookup table for normal CDF ?

    I do not know what is a precalculated lookup table for normal CDF could you please point a link that would describe what you are talking about. thanks !
  99. ExSan

    Most difficult course/topic covered in MFE/MQF-type programs?

    what are the textbooks you are using ?? sorry dbl question
  100. ExSan

    Trying to download Visual Basic on Mac: Help please?
  101. ExSan

    How should I prepare to get into CUNY Baruch

    "Computer class : No previous experience or courses " how to say?, uhmmm....
  102. ExSan

    quantitative finance self-study reading book list suggestions

    Dow Jones has doubled :)
  103. ExSan

    Best books to learn C++

    If you need to brush up on C programming, consider the following resources:
  104. ExSan

    Am I too old?

    I double your age .. and your expectations too ;)
  105. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    I am interested in your book and wouldn't mind the price, I am particular interested in 7) and BTW would you include HF trade/algos ? salut +XSN
  106. ExSan

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    PDF books should cost not more than $3.00, it would be the only way I would make a reality my Amazon wish list
  107. ExSan

    Useful Topics to self study?

    Paul Wilmott "linear models are boring and not realistic "
  108. ExSan

    An incredible insight into mathematical finance of tomorrow

    quantum algorithms ? neither I am familiar with them. could you please provide some links ?
  109. ExSan

    New book - A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering - Dan Stefanica

    I'd urge to write something for real. Yes, for real!!! Even one page for real things! I would appreciate that effort! what topics should it include ? IMO your comments are valid a trader friend of mine would agree with you 100 percent
  110. ExSan

    C++ Multithreading in Boost

  111. ExSan

    C++ Multithreading in Boost

    I have just got interested in this topic. I am using MS Express 2013 could some one post the code for Fibonacci ? 1. using threads ...// no boost please 2. using cores ...// #pragma I would like to see the difference. So far what I have learned is not so clear to me. Eager to learn. Thnkx.
  112. ExSan

    2014 World Cup

    what was that ?
  113. ExSan

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    JP: ""I hope this helped with any questions any readers had. Feel free to put questions below here and maybe I will do a Part 2 if there is enough demand. It will take a while as I do not want to pester all these busy people with questions." Yes, I am interested in Part 2
  114. ExSan

    2014 World Cup

    uhmmm Rugbi ???? I would suggest better focus in Golf !
  115. ExSan

    CQF as a prep MFE

    what courses?
  116. ExSan


    it wouldn't hurt me, another couple of millons. why not?
  117. ExSan

    After the PhD

    ??? do not get it !
  118. ExSan

    Citadel HFT Interview

    what does FTAP stand for ? :( sorry !
  119. ExSan

    All Excel C++ Interop Interfacing Visualisation here

    I am using MS Visual Studio Express 2013, it seems to be not compatible the file generated by the compiler .... debug\vbe6ext.tli has this label // Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 12.00.21005.1 (cbedc806). hence the error ?
  120. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    great ultrabooks, keep us updated when available in the metro area, and if new models arrive. Asus Awesome AA+
  121. ExSan

    Baruch admissions, does age matter?

    age ... this question has been answered long time ago
  122. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    which model is this ?
  123. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    @MRoss in a previous post you mentioned ASUS ?
  124. ExSan

    Finite Differences for option pricing

    m = ? n = ? p = ? q = ? I have tested a 4-D and n-D arrays for not so small values, my own abstract data structure
  125. ExSan

    Finite Differences for option pricing

    could you please explain why ? :) -sample-
  126. ExSan

    How to prepare C++ questions?

    I have been coding in C/C++ for +25 years. I am pretty sure that I would fail those interview questions linked previously. what would it prove?
  127. ExSan

    Need to take an online C++ course from an accredited institution...

    I recommend Coursera, but it is not for a beginner, you need in advance some background, also MS Visual Studio has some courses.
  128. ExSan

    Quantitative finance masters comparison UK

    what about Birkbeck College : MSc in Financial Engineering. ????
  129. ExSan


    can you be more precise ? pls why? your arguments. I was interested in CQF.
  130. ExSan

    Inquiry into High-Speed Trading
  131. ExSan

    Necessary to learn C#?

  132. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    2 nice ultrabooks, samsung looks better the bad: SSD 128 GB not enough, wait for the 500Gb are they note taking capable ?
  133. ExSan

    Prospect of Solvay Brussels school Master in Quant Finance

    Have you consider Switzerland ? -I forgot the name of the school-
  134. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    something has been deleted here ... why? is it possible to restore that post ?
  135. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    i like it, rather wait for the ultrabook version
  136. ExSan

    Matrix Inverse Algorithm

    Numerical Recipes in C
  137. ExSan

    Big Data MOOC announcement

    I can wait, no problem
  138. ExSan

    Listening to music while studying??

    I want to play my spotyfy playlist on iPoD, how to do it? I just get stuck and nothing happens, does anyone knows a simple way to do it?
  139. ExSan

    Quant Scene in Latin America

    I am from Ecuador and would like to know more about it
  140. ExSan

    Laptop/Tablet 2013-2014 Thread

    2014 = Great tech/gadgets and incredible prices
  141. ExSan

    Laptop/Tablet 2013-2014 Thread

    I will need to buy an ultrabook, either Asus or Samsung
  142. ExSan

    Laptop/Tablet 2013-2014 Thread

    "Asus will be releasing one as well" do you have more information about their new line and when will it be on the market ? note taking capable?
  143. ExSan

    No more school books? No more notepads? Finally! $1,000??

    Stylus Labs Write Demo I am still waiting for a laptop ULTRABOOK that would allow me to take notes, I do not want a Tablet will it be soon? Nvidia card would be a plus
  144. ExSan

    How much computer science do I need to learn?

    C++ over the winter ------------------------- This is a never ending process, I can tell you that after several years
  145. ExSan


    Just a simple and plain answer. No programming language beats C/C++ ========================== watch out CUDA ! Vikings are coming !
  146. ExSan

    Best Laptop for MFE Students

    @MRoss can you help us ? --> Laptop Thread 2012 Eager to know about the: Laptop Thread 2014 what is coming ?
  147. ExSan

    The basics of ARCH / GARCH

    Quote: I don't have J.London's book. You are lucky one !
  148. ExSan

    "Big Data" .... what is that?

    "Big Data" .... what is that? either a data double double double or a lot of double data
  149. ExSan

    BoA intern dies

    what happened ?
  150. ExSan

    Best type of PC for simulation

    Polter very valuable information, thanks I will reconsider some parts of my next PC, looking forward for your advice ! The new Haswell chip does it change the panorama?
  151. ExSan

    Best type of PC for simulation

    ? ?? for serious purposes, I doubt 600 can build up a good work station
  152. ExSan

    Best type of PC for simulation

    Polter I am planning to tailor my own work station tool, it would be oriented to C/C++ & CUDA on windows & ubunto. Any particular considerations?
  153. ExSan

    Tutorial: QuantLib Boost Installation in Visual Studio 2012

    can some one please point a link to install boost in eclipse (Ubuntu) ?
  154. ExSan

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    I wish you will. It would be so helpful for many of us
  155. ExSan

    Trading Room

    Greed is good !?
  156. ExSan

    Tablet Note-Taking 2013

    any particular reason ?
  157. ExSan

    Tablet Note-Taking 2013

    Looks nice. CON> Price & Heavy
  158. ExSan

    Matlab online course

  159. ExSan

    Best Programming languages

    no pain, no gain
  160. ExSan

    Heat Equation using Neumann boundary condition

    Galerkin Method ? Linear - Square ?
  161. ExSan

    QuantNet Campsite

    it rains a lot at my place
  162. ExSan

    QuantNet Campsite

    Yes, Let's see the code :)
  163. ExSan

    Switching from Matlab to C++

    and what is the new standard? can you please point out with a link. Thnks
  164. ExSan

    Software needed

    I am trying to install Visual Studio Express 2012 in a XP Box, I got this message Can some one help me to solve this. Thanks
  165. ExSan

    Our best traders spend a lot of their time pounding away writing code

    Dear Daniel A friend of mine is doing his Master in Computational Mathematics and he wants to master both languages Fortran and C, is it worth? I already adviced him that C is good enough and he may end in a big confusion with both languages, of course it depends how much proficient he wants to...
  166. ExSan

    Programming help

    can you point out the corrections you made and the input / output expected with samples
  167. ExSan

    Programming Help

    what compiler are you using ?
  168. ExSan

    Interesting question

    you are the man in red shirt, then ask him if it hurts ?
  169. ExSan

    what can I do with "R"

    probably less than you would do with C/C++:)
  170. ExSan

    Black Friday wishlist

    Microsoft Natural Desktop 7000 4TQ-00001 Black USB RF Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse is there any better ?
  171. ExSan

    C++ pointer

    who said pointers are easy ??? 10 lines of source code that deserve more than 10 hours studying them I wonder how many people in this forum do really understand the previous posts? //DD.Poler.MJ I have been working with pointers for years and still keep learning and discovering new things, I...
  172. ExSan

    High-Frequency Trading article in the NYT

    More here <---
  173. ExSan


  174. ExSan

    About ExSan

    About ExSan
  175. ExSan

    Best Programming first language

    IMHO Pointers are not so easy. When you think you know it all, I bet you are half the way. The key point is that pointers are extremely useful, you can not avoid learning how they work and when to use them. Pointers make C/C++ sophisticated and elegant compared with other computer languates.
  176. ExSan


  177. ExSan

    Best Programming first language

    besides all the previous posts, if you want to be part of the HFT, there is no option, it must be C/C++
  178. ExSan

    Videos about maths && statistics?

    please keep me posted :)
  179. ExSan

    Handling log returns

    Please help me with this simple math problem: A trading account has the following annual returns in a 3-year period: 50% first year, 100% second year and 100% in the final year. What is the formula to calculate total percentage return? total = A% * B% * C% am I wrong ?
  180. ExSan

    Visual Studio Express 2012

    Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop is Here
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