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Baruch College - Master in Financial Engineering

Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sachin
  • Start date Start date
hey guys. I learned I got accepted this morning ](around 8ish in Baruch MFE program by the program Director). gosh, the entire interview was really stressful. At least for me. I am so excited to be part of the Baruch MFE program. I tried to nap (after studying all night thinking the interview was going to be very technical). Now, i cant even sleep. I feel like i am in cloud 9. I can't feel my feet anymore. 1 year of hard studying paid off. The journey begins...
is there an orientation for incoming mfe students here? Or are we expected to come in on the day of the seminars?
There will be one in July, where you will meet alumni and current students. You will receive more information via email in due time.
When does the application form for the 2012-2013 school year begin? Also, when are decisions made by?
The application system for Fall 2012 admission will be online on October 1.

Complete applications will be evaluated beginning December 1.

Decisions are made on a rolling basis. For decision timeline, see the QN Tracker http://www.quantnet.com/forum/tracker/
Hi Dstefan,

I mailed my GRE score to zicklin school mistakenly . But i want to apply for MFe for which the score should be reported to Weissman school .So what is the solution ?

I just received an phone interview invitation from Baruch. The interview will be on Feb. 3, given by Professor Rados Radoicic. (already updated on tracker.)

Any one here have any tip? Prof Radoicic is said as "a freaking math genius" on ratemyprofessors.com, so I probably should expect most questions to be mathematical? and difficult?

I bought two quant interview books two weeks ago, "heard on the wall street" and "frequently asked question in quant finance", not sure if they would help.. I haven't had time to read it though..

Hi ,
Do you have any feedback regarding sound/signal quality of the phone interview? Should I use the landline or mobile phone line to have a better sound quality for a call from US to Singapore? I do not have a landline at home but if it is required, I can use the landline in the office. The interview is scheduled at 11:10 pm my local time.
Yesterday, I had a nice 15-min phone interview with Pro Stefanica. Since I'm a mathematics and finance background student, Dan firstly cared about my programming skills. Then came some advanced derivatives questions, including interest rate swap, futures etc. At last, I shared my career goals and strong interests on Baruch MFE with Dan. The only thing disappointed me was that the fruit juicer in the cafe kept working during the talk...

No matter what the final result will be, I feel grateful and delighted these days applying for my dream Baruch MFE program. Thanks Pro. Stefanica, Pro. Wang, Miriam, Cathy, Ms Zhou, etc. for your time and help. dstefan Baruch.MFE
I applied to Baruch MFE 10/11 days back.

On 25th, I got an email from Cathy Levkulic saying my app is complete and it is being forwarded to the concerned dept.

However, I am not being able to viw the status of my app. in the Baruch MFE website. It is saying that the email address I provided does not exist.

Any idea why this is happening?