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Baruch College - Master in Financial Engineering

Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sachin
  • Start date Start date
>> how was it?
I think it went okay...

>>who interviewed you? what were you asked?
I am not sure if I can answer this in public forum so I will better keep my mouth shut.. :)
Actually, it's Alexandre, not Alexandra (a girl's name) ;)
It was good, I think. Finance questions (explaining some finance concepts), derivatives (some easy some hard), probability, Lin. Algebra, and a brain teaser (Probability). + Questions about resume (Education, career plan,...) + time for my questions. 30 minutes.
Congratulations Alexandre and Roni.

For the record, there is no set number of seats, and decisions are solely based on the strength of the candidate's application, not on extraneous constraints such as whether there are any seats left.

Good luck to everyone whose application is still under review, you have the same chance of being admitted as everyone else who applied earlier.
Feel free to ask any questions you have about the program. I am sure myself or the current students/alumni would love to answer any queries.
Maybe those questions could be asked on a different thread?
I missed the application deadline of April 1. Work is killing me, now can only wait for December 2011 for it to open.