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Baruch College - Master in Financial Engineering

Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sachin
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Congrats. Interesting that they had a technical interview- that's quite uncommon for graduate admissions at most schools.
I remember reading somewhere on this forum that past year questions were on chasedream.com in mandarin and majority of the questions for both the interviews repeated year after year. Use google translate.
I remember reading somewhere on this forum that past year questions were on chasedream.com in mandarin and majority of the questions for both the interviews repeated year after year. Use google translate.
If you have read it, then the admissions committee has read it too, especially since it was spoken about on this forum. I wouldn't count on getting asked those questions this year (if it happened that way at all in the previous years).
Congrats. Interesting that they had a technical interview- that's quite uncommon for graduate admissions at most schools.

Not quite uncommon for MFE programs I guess. There seem to be multiple technical rounds going on at UCB too as far as I know.
Agreeing with Azamat, the following questions have been asked previously in Baruch MFE interviews from chasedream.com to give prospective applicants an idea (hope it helps) :

kappa finance

put-call parity

black and scholes pde

· Calculus: differentiate x^x, integrate lnx, Taylor Polynomial(one variable & multivariable)

· Linear Algebra: Explain eigenvalue, eigenvector, trace

· Statistics: pdf of exponential and normal distribution, mean, integrate normal density function from 0 to infinity(= 0.5...),
how the cum density function of normal distribution would come up to 1(别人被问到的,面经里也有)

· Finance: Black-Sholes model and its weakness, value at risk, interest rate swap and how to value it, put-call parity

· 还有一个brain teaser question.

Bond yield? The concept of how to calculate?
The relationship between the option price and the stock price is kind of how that δ, anyway, do not understand

What is encapsulation and polymorphism ... I do not know ...OOP

· Taylor Polynomial, how to use it in one variable and multi-variables

· Probability: X~N(0,1), Y=X^2, pdf of Y

  1. integral lnx/x
  2. integral x^x^2
  3. pdf for normal distribution and exponential distribution. sigma and miu for normal and standard normal distribution.
  4. put call parity.
  5. Taylor polynomial 2nd order f(x,y)=xsinx
  6. a european option is 5 dollars. how about americcan option with same strike price and maturity.
The value of the option formula max {(K-S), 0} Shasha's
7 Call Put Parity, how arbitrage
8 option prices binomial model, how arbitrage, how to count the delta (lz in delta count Yuncai the been brooding after the interview, after the end I told Jim that I know the the BS formulas delta how to count, and then Jim teachers patience to explain it to me, and maybe not the same thing, blabla ...... amount I sb)

Q5 wood have to do it, Tai-Ho teacher was very generous and gave me the a probability title:

9 box two coins, a fair, a biased (70% likelihood of head) at random from the box to take a coin throwing three are heads asked Fourth probability of throwing or head (lz Then answer Wong The teacher immediately asked is how to get out, Jim is, ah yes, then do not ask, do a I do not know my questions do not do ...)

Solving differential equations. y '+ x y = 1
Speak exponential distribution, the mean is 2 when, say exponential distribution
If x, y independent and exponentially distributed, if x / (x + y) C + + problem. Structure and class distinction
interest swap definition, I said the example of fixed interest floating interest What he said is the swap rate, I have not heard of this. . I said two difference does not seem to listen to his response. . .
wiki look: Swap rate is the fixed rate that makes the market value of a given swap at initiation zero.
A binary tree, the initial value is 10, 20 and 5 respectively become a probability of 0.5, Risk-free Rate is 0. Seeking the price of the call option

Bayes rule of conditional probability

Binomial option pricing – calculate risk neutral probability and option price question

Calculate Eigen values of a simple 3x3 matrix

Assumptions and limitations of Black and Scholes

Linear algebra – cholesky decomposition – LU decomposition
@gongzhike.david the following questions have been asked previously in Baruch MFE interviews from chasedream.com to give prospective applicants an idea (hope it helps) :

kappa finance

put-call parity

black and scholes pde

· Calculus: differentiate x^x, integrate lnx, Taylor Polynomial(one variable & multivariable)

· Linear Algebra: Explain eigenvalue, eigenvector, trace

· Statistics: pdf of exponential and normal distribution, mean, integrate normal density function from 0 to infinity(= 0.5...),
how the cum density function of normal distribution would come up to 1(别人被问到的,面经里也有)

· Finance: Black-Sholes model and its weakness, value at risk, interest rate swap and how to value it, put-call parity

· 还有一个brain teaser question.

Bond yield? The concept of how to calculate?
The relationship between the option price and the stock price is kind of how that δ, anyway, do not understand

What is encapsulation and polymorphism ... I do not know ...OOP

· Taylor Polynomial, how to use it in one variable and multi-variables

· Probability: X~N(0,1), Y=X^2, pdf of Y

  1. integral lnx/x
  2. integral x^x^2
  3. pdf for normal distribution and exponential distribution. sigma and miu for normal and standard normal distribution.
  4. put call parity.
  5. Taylor polynomial 2nd order f(x,y)=xsinx
  6. a european option is 5 dollars. how about americcan option with same strike price and maturity.
The value of the option formula max {(K-S), 0} Shasha's
7 Call Put Parity, how arbitrage
8 option prices binomial model, how arbitrage, how to count the delta (lz in delta count Yuncai the been brooding after the interview, after the end I told Jim that I know the the BS formulas delta how to count, and then Jim teachers patience to explain it to me, and maybe not the same thing, blabla ...... amount I sb)

Q5 wood have to do it, Tai-Ho teacher was very generous and gave me the a probability title:

9 box two coins, a fair, a biased (70% likelihood of head) at random from the box to take a coin throwing three are heads asked Fourth probability of throwing or head (lz Then answer Wong The teacher immediately asked is how to get out, Jim is, ah yes, then do not ask, do a I do not know my questions do not do ...)

Solving differential equations. y '+ x y = 1
Speak exponential distribution, the mean is 2 when, say exponential distribution
If x, y independent and exponentially distributed, if x / (x + y) C + + problem. Structure and class distinction
interest swap definition, I said the example of fixed interest floating interest What he said is the swap rate, I have not heard of this. . I said two difference does not seem to listen to his response. . .
wiki look: Swap rate is the fixed rate that makes the market value of a given swap at initiation zero.
A binary tree, the initial value is 10, 20 and 5 respectively become a probability of 0.5, Risk-free Rate is 0. Seeking the price of the call option

Bayes rule of conditional probability

Binomial option pricing – calculate risk neutral probability and option price question

Calculate Eigen values of a simple 3x3 matrix

Assumptions and limitations of Black and Scholes

Linear algebra – cholesky decomposition – LU decomposition
The first time Baruch MFE interview questions were posted on Chasedream was in February 2007. We have been taking this into account ever since.
So you automatically reject the people that seem "too prepared?"

We ask questions according to our knowledge that people post questions on different forums.

Our selection process seems to be well calibrated, given the success of our graduates.
Not doubting your selection process but your justification seems dubious : There does not need to be an irrevocable link between the success of your candidates and your selection process. Many factors affect your candidate's success and it need not be the case that every such factor is "well calibrated".

Moreover, I have a friend who made it in 2013 who stated that 80% of the questions were the same when I was considering applying to Baruch. It maybe the case that he is an exception if what you state is true.
moretodo - posting the questions from Chasedream on this thread was a good thing. Your reply above warrants one final comment: we put a lot of thought in our interview process, and we believe is very well calibrated and takes into account information available on different forums.
I wonder what happened to the good ol' days of preparing the right way? which is reading Dan's book?
Well, they don't say that the program is very selective for nothing.

The interview was challenging ..

I think it is because of the fact that the faculty actually tries to ask the questions related to your "weak" spots, i.e. what is required for studying financial engineering but not on your resume or transcript :). Well, at least that is what I felt from my experience.

I should try to solve at least one or more related problems when I see anything new.. I know a lot of things when it comes to definitions only but am weak when going into details or required to toy with them :(

Well, now I will just sit tight and wait for the result at the end of the week...

:whistle: hope it turns out well, the program certainly seems great and I would not want to miss such a good opportunity to study in that program..
was this for baruch? could you go over the interviews part 1 and 2 for us? not necessarily the specific questions but your overall experience, the setting, how did u prepare and what do uthink u shoulda done differently?
was this for baruch? could you go over the interviews part 1 and 2 for us? not necessarily the specific questions but your overall experience, the setting, how did u prepare and what do uthink u shoulda done differently?

Hello Christopher

I will on the end of the week, when I get my results... I think the details should be different depending on the result :)