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Baruch MFE baruch research assistant position


I like the program at Baruch. Does Baruch MFE program offer research assistant positions for students that could help cover tuition costs? I wish to pursue the program but I cannot due to financial reasons.

Are there other programs out there similar to Baruch that offer funding?

Any comments very much appreciated.

thank you
There are different jobs you can find on campus.... will this help ?
Are there some teaching or research assistant positions that would help get valuable experience as well?
You shouldn't count on financial assistant to join any MFE program. If you can't afford the tuition at Baruch, you would have a lot of trouble paying tuition at other programs even with scholarship.
You can apply to the Salih Neftci scholarship at Baruch MFE program.
Are there some teaching or research assistant positions that would help get valuable experience as well?
I know there are TAs at Baruch but if im not mistaken, they are PhD students and I think they teach ungergrad level courses only.
CUNY has a research center, dont know how it goes there... but you can take a look at it..

The Graduate Center, CUNY

if it helps, you can be a tutor in SACC or SEEK at Baruch, I'm a math tutor at SACC...
Another option,
don't forget that Baruch is in the city and if I remember correctly, all MFE courses are evening courses, so you can get a part time job on Wall Street or something and still attend Baruch MFE.

I like the program at Baruch. Does Baruch MFE program offer research assistant positions for students that could help cover tuition costs?
if u are interested in making money to cover your tution, you try to work as a tutor. if you can teach math or physics to school students you can get paid between $40-$60 per hour.