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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

So - I’m guessing they’re literally gonna admit people until March 29 based on last year. But last year oddly enough they began to reject people around this time and it hasn’t happened yet. Wonder when it’ll happen/if it’s already happened.
So - I’m guessing they’re literally gonna admit people until March 29 based on last year. But last year oddly enough they began to reject people around this time and it hasn’t happened yet. Wonder when it’ll happen/if it’s already happened.

Saw you already got admits from NCSU and Cornell...Have you declined Cornell since the deadline must have passed already? Or are you still waiting on Chicago?

Thing is those who got admits from Chicago are very likely to accept due to the scholarship so I dont see too many more admits in the coming days. Cornell might still release more admits but they have a smaller class so nothing is certain still.

I think at this point, if anyone is serious about attending grad school this fall, they must hold on tightly to the offers they've already got.
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According to their academic calendar, UChicago should be on spring break right now, so I don't expect any decisions coming this week.

That said, I am getting rather impatient with UChicago, given that CMU's deadline is March 28. If UChicago releases my decision on March 29 (a Friday), I'd be preeeetty pissed.
According to their academic calendar, UChicago should be on spring break right now, so I don't expect any decisions coming this week.

That said, I am getting rather impatient with UChicago, given that CMU's deadline is March 28. If UChicago releases my decision on March 29 (a Friday), I'd be preeeetty pissed.
I feel that. Giving up a 60k scholarship would hurt so bad.


Saw you already got admits from NCSU and Cornell...Have you declined Cornell since the deadline must have passed already? Or are you still waiting on Chicago?

Thing is those who got admits from Chicago are very likely to accept due to the scholarship so I dont see too many more admits in the coming days. Cornell might still release more admits but they have a smaller class so nothing is certain still.

I think at this point, if anyone is serious about attending grad school this fall, they must hold on tightly to the offers they've already got.
April 15th is Cornell’s Deadline so luckily I have some time.