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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

Mine showed 2 as well but just changed to 1 this morning, seems like they're wrapping up decisions one way or another
Same. Reject/waitlist for me, since I don't have the admitted international student section the top right.
Same here.. My application only shows 1 checklist now.. Is there anyone whose portal is still showing two? I feel like we are all about to get hit with our decisions this week; not feeling too confident based on the number of acceptances given out already
Just checked, I too have 1 checklist now. No admitted international student section on top right as of yet.
Same here.. My application only shows 1 checklist now.. Is there anyone whose portal is still showing two? I feel like we are all about to get hit with our decisions this week; not feeling too confident based on the number of acceptances given out already
Idk if this helps, but the Risk.net stat for offers made for UChicago gives me some hope. Plus tracker also shows historically admits have been made on the very last day too.
How can you be sure its reject/waitlist for you ?
Because I can see that my second checklist is gone, probably a decision has been entered. I have seen multiple cases where students see admitted international student section before they are officially admitted on the portal. I don't see why that would not be the case for all international students.