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Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

Is this going to be Columbia MAFN 2012 (or 2013) students?
As a part-time student, my vote is to use the year of entry since I won't actually be part of the graduating Class of 2013, but it's not really a big deal either way . . . Anyone else planning to join have a preference?
Since I submitted mine in November I will take it as bad news. Please let us know anything else you find out.
any updates recently? I sent the GMAT official score a couple of weeks ago, but it's still awaiting, does that mean they have not started to review my application?
I have no idea about that. But for the sake of our mental health I think we should look at it as if we were going to receive the decision on April. That way if it comes sooner it will be perceived as a pleasant surprise. BTW, I think that if by next week your score is still in awaiting you should contact them about it.
The Columbia MAFN has an average of 67 days for application-decision process. This is according to our Tracker.
You should always use this as a benchmark to see whether you are beyond the normal process.
If you are a few weeks ahead of the avg number, don't worry too much.
The Columbia MAFN has an average of 67 days for application-decision process. This is according to our Tracker.
You should always use this as a benchmark to see whether you are beyond the normal process.
If you are a few weeks ahead of the avg number, don't worry too much.
Actually I submitted the application last Nov. But I sent the score early this month, so I have no idea that someone got admitted by saying his TOFEL is also "awaiting"
I submitted the application on Dec and sent the score before the submission.
But, my status is still awaiting. I sent an email asking about this last week and still wait for the answer.
I submitted the application on Dec and sent the score before the submission.
But, my status is still awaiting. I sent an email asking about this last week and still wait for the answer.
So you and I are in the same situation now, I don't want to wait so long...