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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
I emailed the IEOR department due to having deadlines for other programs approaching. They told me round 2 decisions would come out by mid-March, so I don't necessarily think the two admits on Friday were the last admits for the second round. Then again they aren't the best at communicating and I couldn't get any specific days out of them so we never know. Hopefully, we will hear on Monday.
Results of second batch came out, and I still don't see many updates in this thread or anything on the tracker. I wonder how many offers were rolled out 🤔
I as well. The tracker has nothing close to what I would expect in terms of quantity of acceptances. Either a ton of people who never heard of quantnet are getting accepted, or they haven't given out all the decisions.
From what I can see here, many new members signed up here to say they received offers but unaware of the Tracker so they don't put it there. That's why I have been begging everyone applying to add their timelines there. The timelines can be added anonymously if it's a concern.
I emailed the IEOR department due to having deadlines for other programs approaching. They told me round 2 decisions would come out by mid-March, so I don't necessarily think the two admits on Friday were the last admits for the second round. Then again they aren't the best at communicating and I couldn't get any specific days out of them so we never know. Hopefully, we will hear on Monday.
Thanks for sharing the info. I know that cu's spring break is next week so i'm not sure if they're gonna email the admits
Hello is Columbia MFE a 24 month program or is there any criteria to continue beyond 12 months?
Hello is Columbia MFE a 24 month program or is there any criteria to continue beyond 12 months?
You can do it in 1 year, but most students do it in 1.5 years. I'm not aware who needed 2 years to finish the program.
Not sure if it’s helpful, but the “Current Status” header was added to my application at some point within the last few days.
+1 seems quiet this week… have all offers been released? Seems like it’s more competitive this year for this flagship program in Columbia..
I got the current status when I logged in

Your application has been moved to review with the Faculty Committee ….

Got updated earlier I believe

Edit: anyone knows how long till results from this update?