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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
Is there a direct link with having the status change and being admitted?
I don't think there is a direct correlation. Cornell MFE showed similar situation. On the portal, some had application status changing to complete, while others remained in progress. It turned out people got offer/rej regardless of the review condition. Not sure it could apply to Columbia. Different programs had different systems. maybe it was just a UI design issue, which has nothing to do with the admission result.
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To be honest I got it quite a while ago, though I don’t know exact dates I would think it’s almost been a month and a half back. Off the sentiment here I was of the impression that my application was reviewed and they chose to push me back to a rejection at the end of the application cycle
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If not received any decision yesterday and had no updates on the portal, can I consider it another kind of rejection? Someone told me that CU MFE only released offers in 2 batches.
I don’t think so. People received an acceptance as late as mid Apr last year.
If not received any decision yesterday and had no updates on the portal, can I consider it another kind of rejection? Someone told me that CU MFE only released offers in 2 batches
Results of second batch came out, and I still don't see many updates in this thread or anything on the tracker. I wonder how many offers were rolled out 🤔