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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
  • Start date Start date
I got the current status when I logged in

Your application has been moved to review with the Faculty Committee ….

Got updated earlier I believe

Edit: anyone knows how long till results from this update?
I have this status changed from more than 3 weeks now.
I had the "application has been moved to review with Faculty Committee" for probably 2-3 months before getting a response. I think you all are way overthinking this header, I'd believe they just change it when they get to your application. In this thread there hasn't been any correlation between that message and getting in.
I had the "application has been moved to review with Faculty Committee" for probably 2-3 months before getting a response. I think you all are way overthinking this header, I'd believe they just change it when they get to your application. In this thread there hasn't been any correlation between that message and getting in.
lmao this is so true.
I had the "application has been moved to review with Faculty Committee" for probably 2-3 months before getting a response. I think you all are way overthinking this header, I'd believe they just change it when they get to your application. In this thread there hasn't been any correlation between that message and getting in.
If this is true then it's even more concerning because it's mid-march and they haven't yet gotten to my application??? I think it's just a system that was designed to reflect a status change but is not well implemented?
Are there results tomorrow?

Also I thought you weren’t leaning towards MFE given the lack of career support. what made you change your mind ?
Not sure but hoping some decisions come out since their spring break is over.

Also never said I was leaning a specific way, but just stated what I heard from alumni and such. I think the MFE has more applicable classes that focus on programming so I’m still interested in hearing back.
Last year people got accepted in early April and even mid April. What makes you think that all results will be released by the end of March (I do not remember if it said so in the application or if we are just speculating)?
It’s on their official website for expected timeline. Maybe there may be a delay like last year. Keeping hopes high but there’s other deadlines