• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng


I am applying to the Cornell MFE program too but I am getting mixed pointers regarding SOP. Could you please provide some pointers regarding SOP based on our experience? Thanks in advance!
They sent me an email requesting updated transcripts. Other than that, I have not heard anything from them.
When did they email you about this? I'm applying as a student in the midst of my 4th year and wondering if I should read anything into them not emailing me...
Jan 12. Maybe check your email? Seems like an automated email so I would not read much into it. I was taking some of the prerequisites last semester, maybe thats why. I am also a student in my senior year.
Jan 12. Maybe check your email? Seems like an automated email so I would not read much into it. I was taking some of the prerequisites last semester, maybe thats why. I am also a student in my senior year.
I see. Thanks for the reply!
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I don't think Cornell is going to communicate anything before decisions unless requesting missing materials. But I did read from a document from ORIE that says they will release decisions by March 31, not sure exactly when for MFE tho.
I got an acceptance letter from Cornell. The email went into my 'promotions' folder. The letter said that apply web was going to show the decision within 48 hours. Has anyone else heard back? The email seem legit and it is from Cornell.
I got an acceptance letter from Cornell. The email went into my 'promotions' folder. The letter said that apply web was going to show the decision within 48 hours. Has anyone else heard back? The email seem legit and it is from .
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I got an acceptance letter from Cornell. The email went into my 'promotions' folder. The letter said that apply web was going to show the decision within 48 hours. Has anyone else heard back? The email seem legit and it is from Cornell.
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I got an acceptance letter from Cornell. The email went into my 'promotions' folder. The letter said that apply web was going to show the decision within 48 hours. Has anyone else heard back? The email seem legit and it is from Cornell.
Hello finkv, I am still waiting for Cornell admission eagerly and check the tracker everyday. I see you posted a tracker showing you were admitted to Cornell and deleted it just now. May I know what happened?

Thanks and wish to see you at Cornell
Some people received offers just now (about one hour ago~) I have heard about 3-4 admissions
Hello finkv, I am still waiting for Cornell admission eagerly and check the tracker everyday. I see you posted a tracker showing you were admitted to Cornell and deleted it just now. May I know what happened?

Thanks and wish to see you at Cornell