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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

Hi, I never received another interview from Cornell. Is there supposed to be one?
I think so, not absolutely sure though. One of my colleagues at work who also applied to Cornell's MFE said he did have another interview. I also know someone from Cornell's Fall 2021 intake who gave an interview before he was admitted to Cornell's MFE.
I think so, not absolutely sure though. One of my colleagues at work who also applied to Cornell's MFE said he did have another interview. I also know someone from Cornell's Fall 2021 intake who gave an interview before he was admitted to Cornell's MFE.
I see. Thanks for the info! Never knew this before. Guess we'll have to wait and see then
I got my admit in the morning today. Feel free to dm me if you would like to connect. Also, did anyone got a scholarship? I got none

I never had any anything else except during the application time and got admit today, don’t worry!
Hi agie, congrats! Got one too;) Now I wonder if there will be an interview to determine the Knight Scholarship but I guess I'll wait and see
My acceptance letter included a scholarship. I think only the knight scholarship is separate.
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Hi all!
Thought it'd be good to get to know each other to discuss steps ahead. Feel free to join if you're certain about Cornell as of now or at least almost certain. Please spread the link among others that you think would benefit. Pretty sure a significant percentage of the incoming batch used QuantNet directly or indirectly.

Link: Cornell MFE 2022
Hey all,

Received my acceptance into Cornell MFE for Fall 2023. Just wondering if anyone got the same and wanted to make a groupchat on WhatsApp or something!