FE Course Waivers


Lowly Undergrad
I find it hard to believe that it will happen. At least at Baruch.
not all of them, but say intro? or probability and statistics?(that is a second semester courses in prob & stats)
No, people with math PhD that are in Beruch MFE are taking these classes.
The classes you took are undergrad so there is little chance any grad program will accept it as equivalent.
Why not send an email to your potential MFE programs and ask them directly.
Thanks, good to know, maybe I'll just take more Algebra and Analysis in it's place.
Why not take those courses anyway, just to better prepare yourself for when you DO have to take stochastic calculus at the graduate level?

I actually plan on taking a stochastic calculus graduate course after I complete the prerequisites, regardless of whether or not it will count as MFE credit.
Thanks, good to know, maybe I'll just take more Algebra and Analysis in it's place.

I think that this may be the right thing to do.
Why not take those courses anyway, just to better prepare yourself for when you DO have to take stochastic calculus at the graduate level?

I actually plan on taking a stochastic calculus graduate course after I complete the prerequisites, regardless of whether or not it will count as MFE credit.

A valid suggestion, but:

1. math is my thing
2. I am already taking stochastic process
3. algebra is f***in awesome
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