Google+ is really awesome.


Columbia MAFN
Features I found super kool compared to others.

Hangouts - Group Video Chat and Also the best part is, the main window shows up whoever is talking.
Circle - A kool Feauture. Thought Groups is already there in FB, Circle is more easy to use.
Well Integrated - Ur Picasa, Blogger, You-Tube, Gmail and so on. So they dont have to find a whole new user.
Easy to Upload Pics.
Awaiting - If Google Music cloud with Google +. It will create a whole new revolution in music sharing.
I wanna say +1 ! Google+ will certainly have a lot of success
I smell another fail here like with orkut, buzz, wave etc. I appreciate their persistent effort but they have to understand - if I use gmail for some communications with friends or for business purpose it doesn't imply that I want it to be my twitter, tumblr or facebook and I want to be annoyed by all this web 2.0 social features and tons of message about what my best friend is wathcing at the moment - If I want I will go to his facebook page or will read his tweeter.
I smell another fail here like with orkut, buzz, wave etc. I appreciate their persistent effort but they have to understand - if I use gmail for some communications with friends or for business purpose it doesn't imply that I want it to be my twitter, tumblr or facebook and I want to be annoyed by all this web 2.0 social features and tons of message about what my best friend is wathcing at the moment - If I want I will go to his facebook page or will read his tweeter.

The thing here is that you WON'T have to go to their Facebook pages and twitter to check those informations. And don't get it twisted, Google+ won't replace GMail. It's going to be a big glue between GMail, Picasa and all of the other Google products. But you will still be able to access GMail independently.
The thing here is that you WON'T have to go to their Facebook pages and twitter to check those informations.
I disagree. You WON'T have to go to the Facebook or twitter only when all your friends will move their social life to Google+. Did they move to Orkut ? Did they move to Wave ? Did they move to Buzz ? Did they use Knoll instead of Wikipedia ? Did they use Google Videos instead of Youtube ? If there is more than one "yes" it means your friends work for Google ;)

And don't get it twisted, Google+ won't replace GMail. It's going to be a big glue between GMail, Picasa and all of the other Google products.
What's wrong with current level of integration? I use google accout for authorization in google reader, gmail and gtalk - it's perfectly fine and it does its job very well.
I'm skeptical. Website success is much more about being the right place at the right time than having the perfect features and even working properly. Facebook's been a broken and buggy piece of junk since inception. They repeatedly screwed with their customer base. And yet, they still destroyed all of their competitors, who arguably have more features, more respect, fewer bugs, etc.

And don't get me started on twitter - that website does absolutely nothing. I still marvel at that people even consider going there...

I would be very surprised if this kills facebook. The "cool" factor is completely absent - and that's the reason everyone uses facebook in the first place.

Google + Hangout is really a KOOL factor. and only Skype has it but still u gotta pay for it and install the whole thing. U cannot run it from a browser like G+ does
What I mean is - after glancing over the reviews, I see a lot of "well, it's as good as facebook, and it has this video chat thing and viewing pictures is a little easier".

If Google+ is Facebook + Skype via browser, I hope it has more to offer than just that because Skype and Facebook already exist... as did 10,000 facebook knock offs, gmail video chat, etc.

I'm on facebook because all of my friends are too. What is Google+'s strategy for trying to change that?
In Skype you will have to PAY :rolleyes: for multi-user Video chat. Also If Google can integrate Google Music. Trust me - it wont be easy for Fb to beat it.
Google+ is better than twitter, but I think Facebook is better for social networking.
The question is how do you use this tool. Is it going to be a time-waster (FB is #1 site where people spend more than 30 minutes each day) or do you use it to make your life and work more productive and stay connected to those who matter most to you?

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