Google+ is really awesome.

The question is how do you use this tool. Is it going to be a time-waster (FB is #1 site where people spend more than 30 minutes each day) or do you use it to make your life and work more productive and stay connected to those who matter most to you?
Some people spend more than 30 minutes each day on other websites as well....for instance QN :)
The hack is to tag someone is a post eg @[gmail account] that let's them log in without an official invite
For whatever reason Google have not invited me, but it will be very tough for them.

What they have failed to crack is how to leverage their vast user base through things like gmail.

Google could trash FB like it wasn't even there, but it won't.

I apologise for using the "E" word to a mainly American audience, but FB is the survivor of a vicious evolutionary process where many things were tried, and almost all failed.

FB provided what people wanted, when they wanted it. Sure Mr. Zuckerberg is smart but he was also lucky and there is a maxim that the price of gold represents the cost of all the gold mines that never made a dime.
FB is that gold.
The only thing that will beat FB is some crappy little startup in Estonia who simply by being part of the exhaustive combinatorial assault on the problem get lucky and rich.

google can't do that because it can't start 200 startups, and since 2,000 are probably not enough, it's not likely to win.
For whatever reason Google have not invited me, but it will be very tough for them.

What they have failed to crack is how to leverage their vast user base through things like gmail.

I actually think the opposite , Google seems to be the only one who actually makes good money of its huge databases.
Facebook is overrated in my opinion , I don't think they really make enough income to justify the 50B$ they're aiming for.

Google on the other hand doesn't try to get money off you, it uses the data it gets on you to improve their products, it uses it to put very relevant ads etc.

Twitter,Facebook and the rest are "cool" but aren't really selling anything, Facebook can easily crash due to Google+ like it crashed MySpace. While no one can really compete with Google products at the moment.
when Google started gmail service, there were plenty already in the market. I remember there were folks even pays to AOL for their email services. But the 'unlimited' factor and the awesomeness in what they have delivered had made them standout. The company has turned out to be "For people" when it comes to social value. Yahoo doesnt have that much and MS / Apple is no way near. Can Microsoft give their Win 8 OS for FREE with Nokia phone / HP give out their Web OS.. Like Android did. ? I am not sure. Though FB is at par here, their awesomeness factor still lacks perfection. I am sure G+ will certainly make an impact.
These online apps live and die with their coolness and exclusiveness factor. Is FB still considered cool when your grandma can friend you?
I think this Google+ is exactly what the hipsters (bloggers/internet bunch) is looking for at the moment. Few years from now, a new hot thing will come along. It's just the way internet has been.
why not.. i love my grandma... :p ...
ahh donno...its kool.. jus live the moment.... :)
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