• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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How can I get into a MFE program

Hey All,

I've worked as a business consultant for a couple of years and recently experienced significant burnout. Now, I'm considering a career transition into quantitative finance. I believe enrolling in a top Master's in Financial Engineering (MFE) program would be the right step.

Here are some of the skills I possess:
  • Programming: I am proficient in Python, C++, SQL, and Tableau.
    • To brush up on my C++ skills, I am currently taking a course at Baruch College.
  • Mathematics: I've taken advanced college courses in Probability, Linear Algebra, and Statistics.
    • These seem to meet the mathematical prerequisites for most MFE programs.
  • I've spent several years day trading independently.
Despite possessing these skills, I realize my lack of relevant work experience may be a stumbling block. Therefore, I'd appreciate any advice on steps I can take to enhance my candidacy. This could include undertaking personal projects, attending data science bootcamps, and so on."
