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job w/o programming skills?

  • Thread starter Thread starter aaalex
  • Start date Start date
hi there,
im finishing a phd in theoretical physics and have strong math/problem solving skills. however, i dont know how to and dont really want to program.
im looking for a job where i can utilize my math skills w/o being able to program. is there a need in the finance world for people like me?
cheers. alex
Yeah, Experimental HEP would have been more applicable. Sorry dude.
hi there,
im finishing a phd in theoretical physics and have strong math/problem solving skills. however, i dont know how to and dont really want to program.
im looking for a job where i can utilize my math skills w/o being able to program. is there a need in the finance world for people like me?
cheers. alex

I think the phrase dont really want sends very bad signals.

40 years ago maybe, in 2013 you are out of touch with reality.

Sorry about that.
you can be a structurer at a bank.. you'll have to program a little bit but mostly it'll be a job that uses the creative side of a math background
You have to at least be able to use VBA excel. Structurers and many trading desks at banks will just use excel vba for their work.