Long-term career advice

Hi all,

this is my first post on this forum, nice to meet you all and I hope to get some insights into future career trajectory :)

My current situation:
- Education: Bsc STEM + Business at European Business School, Top of class
- Past experience: Internship at small quant hedge fund, Internship at Quant Asset Manager, Market Spring Week at BB (upcoming and high conversion rate)

Imagining I convert my SW to a trading team SA position. I have a few options I am looking at. After my (imagined) summer internship I will be doing an exchange (6 months) + 3-6 months off cycle.

My long-term goal is to work in a quant trading position on the buy-side, but I believe having a couple of years experience at a BB doesn't harm.

Here are my options:

- In my 3-6months off-cycle should I try to get another BB offer or try to go for Hedge Funds / Market Makers (do they offer off-cycle?)
- After my Bsc apply to top quant finance masters at universities in London but also across europe (ETH Zürich, Ecole Polytechnique...)
- After my Bsc work at BB (imagining I convert my SA) for around 2 years, then try to lateral to buy-side (possibly by doing an above mentioned master)
- After my Bsc try to get another Summer Internship at a quant hedge fund / market maker or go for full-time positions at those firms

Greatly appreciate any help or tips that are given and if you want to ask any clarifying questions, please do so!

Thanks a lot!
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